Sunday, March 27, 2011

There is Power in Numbers: A Little Prayer for My Friend, Wanda and our Children

Dear Pilgrim,

Thanks for your beautiful communication regarding intercessory prayers, and the importance of fellowship, and or joining hands, (not always literally, but in one accord) to pray about an issue or situation.

Pilgrim, I also believe in intercessory prayers, or prayers of agreement. However, until after reading Joyce Meyer’s book: The Power of Simple Prayer: How to Talk with God about Everything", my understanding of intercessory prayers, and prayers of agreement were unclear. After reading Joyce Meyer’s books, coupled with a few other authors in the field, I assumed that intercessory prayers and prayers of agreement could be carried out by anyone.

What is an intercessory prayer? According to summaries of various definitions, an intercessory prayer is a prayer provided by someone else for another person, or for others.” An intercessor is the one who takes the place of another or pleads another's case, or the one who intercedes.

Are there special people with special positions who can be intercessors, or are there people who have special relationship with God to offer intercessory prayers? I learned from Evangelist and author, Joyce Meyers that those who offer intercessory prayers are not of special class or “super-Christians,” called by God to a specific ministry of intercession. No, no. If that was the case, we would be running here there yonder to identify the few "super Christians" to intercede for us. Remember, the Bible is clear that all Christians are called to be intercessors, because we all have the Holy Spirit in our hearts and, just as He intercedes for us in accordance with God’s will we are to intercede for one another. Being an intercessor is therefore not a privilege limited to a small elite of Christians. In 1 Samuel 12: 23“As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you,” which I understand to mean that it is in fact a sin not to intercede for others. However, Joyce highlights a point, which I found quite agreeable. That is, an intercessor must be in agreement, in order to successful play the role of an intercessor. For me, that means, the intercessor should embrace God's love; the intercessor also welcomes the Holy Spirit within their own heart, and is willing to intercede regarding the situation and issue without any prejudice.

In addition, after reading Meyers’ book and other materials from Max Lucado, T.D Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, among other authors, intercessory Prayers and Prayer of Agreement go hand in hand. That is, the intercessor must be in agreement to plead, or must be in agreement to unite in their belief and conviction, or faith to intercded for the other person, or persons.Can I pray for Wanda if we do not agree? Can you pray for your loved one if you do not agree or do not share similar views on the solution to the problem? Does the scriptures provide agreement that can help us in our faith during prayers?

As Christians, we must look for the fundamental agreement, which can be found in the Word. Read the scriptures, find the Word relating to challenge or the situation and pray according to the Word. For example, to pray about a financial situation Philippians 4:19 states: And my God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus, while Matthew 18: 19 says: “Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (coordinate our thoughts) about whatever they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in heaven.” Having read just the two scriptures, does the Bible give us the authority or opportunity to pray for our financial need, our needs for food, and clothing? Does the Bible or the scriptures give us the authority to pray for our children, our friends and love ones, or others we feel compassion towards?
Yes, Pilgrim, the Bible tells us that if any two on earth agree, it did not say if any two special people agree, or two most Holy people agree. No. If any two agree, Jesus would be in the midst of that agreement to see that it comes to pass. So, if you agree with another believer anything that lines up with the Word of God, He is there in your midst to carry it out. When I read Copeland’s summary of prayer of agreement, I was quite pleased by the way he described [prayer of] “You must have your spirit, mind and actions in agreement with the Word.” Yes! That is it. When you join to pray with someone, the fundamental ingredients for that intercession and agreement must be whether the SPIRIT, MIND and ACTIONS are at least on the same or similar par.

So my dear Pilgrim, we can pray for our needs and those of others. However, to do so, it is important to fellowship. I believe that through our own individual prayers, getting familiar with the Word, and fellowshipping, we can harmonize together, make a symphony together so that our spirits, minds and actions are in agreement with the Word.”

While agreement makes prayer work, my dear Pilgrim, we must remember as always that disagreement opens the door for the devil and evil spirits to come in, as stated in James 3: 16: “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work”.

Today, let us pray for our friends and our children. As we prayed for my friend Wanda, and our Children, I am aware that we are united in Spirit, our thoughts and actions are in harmony regarding the situations on our hearts as we stand before the throne of God. We believed Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and have faith that our prayer request is within the Word, and it is well.

So in our prayer today, we agree and intercede for Wanda, and our Children:

Dear Lord, we come to you and hereby agree, according to Matthew 18:19 and John 17:15.“Father, we see in Your Word that You will supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory, and we pray as Jesus did for his disciples that our children will be protected from the evil ones in all areas of their lives. We are setting ourselves in agreement that our prayers for Wanda and prayer of peace and protection for our children and all children faced with challenges are met according to Your Word. We ask you God, in the name of Jesus to dispatch angels to surround Wanda and her family; send your angels in the name of Jesus to surround my son, and to surround Pilgrim’s children and all children, so that our children and all children are protected against all physical, emotional and mental incidents, and interferences.. Dear God, you are the mighty healer, do your work in our family and our children from this day forth. Teach us, give us the strength, and wisdom, open doors of opportunities; strengthen us always, mind, body, and spirit to see and protect our children from the thieves, and demolishers.. We thank you for silencing heaven to hear our prayers, we believe your angels are protecting our Children, and they are sheltered against the evil ones, and healed. We establish this agreement, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
In unision, let us say: "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." AMEN

At the end of the above prayer, we can always pray, where ever we are. and even as we carry out our household chores. I’ve learned that prayer is not only when you're down on your knees, shouting out to God. Prayers can be simple; like a conversation with God. I pray when I’m in the kitchen, when I am shopping, brushing my teeth, walking down the alley, on the bus or the train, or working on the computer. Truthfully, recently, I fell back again in my prayer life, and the impact is recognizable. I remembered once feeling very guilty about falling back in my prayer life, and when I spoke with a friend, I was reminded that "we all fall, but the important things is to rise". And I read similar reminders in other books, including the bible. I am picking up again, and find myself smiling again that I am continuing on my walk with my Shepherd. I know that I will again be walking on air, as my heart begins to fill with his love; his presence begins to manifest in my life. Don't get me wrong, he is always with us, but the manifestation of his presence is felt when we embrace him.

You may want to know why I am praying for Wanda. Well, have you ever met someone and felt you have known this person throughout your life? Or have you met someone and then it hits you that this person feels like a part of you; when you begin to interact, you begin to wonder how you hold similar views on issues?
Well, Wanda is a friend. We met almost a year ago, and our friendship did not grow rapidly, but it developed really gradually. I have come to see Wanda as a sister. Believe me, outwardly, we are two contrasting individuals, but when we communicate, our ideas are similar. Sometimes, I am amazed at how we tend to use almost the same ideas, or words to describe a situation. We also share similar views about the educational system, and how it influences the development of our children. You will need to observe us to see how we are interchangeable, or how we sometimes hold the same position, or views on a topic, and sometimes utter similar words to concisely describe a situation.

I hope you meet Wanda someday. Until then, lets keep praying for our children, and the children of the world.


1 comment:

Kodzo said...

Very spiritual reflection on the power prayer to impact individual life challenges.