Monday, January 31, 2011

Ordinary People Can Do Extraordinary Things!

Dear Pilgrim,

I listened as you outlined your responsibilities at home, including taking care of your family, the everyday activities you do. In your own words, “I am an ordinary person; I wish I was a gifted person who does exceptional things.”

Pilgrim, I want you to know that, there are many out there, who feel they are also ordinary persons engaged in 'little things.' Well, for those who feel that they are among the ranks of the nobles, congratulations. For the “ordinary” people,” you may be living an average life; still feel that you haven’t fulfill some purposes in your life. It is also possible that you are considered “no good” and sometimes called “a failure” in the eyes of your peers, and your family.

Don’t cave in, Pilgrim, because God uses his people to do extraordinary things. I learned God doesn't take most of His workers from the ranks of the wise, mighty or noble. First Corinthians 1:26 says, "For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called."

Over the course of the month, Bishop Darlingston Johnson of Bethel Outreach Church spoke on four topics: I will be with You; Becoming God’s Man of Valor; Take Your Stand; and The Sword of the Lord, with focus on Supernatural Victory. In his sermons, Bishop Johnson cited many stories from the Bible, including the birth of Jesus. A popular story, yet some of the key points from the story gave another twist to why God chose Mary. Mary was not a scholar; from all we know, she did not come from the lineage of priestly scholars; she was not wealthy; she was a young, ordinary woman getting ready to be married to a regular carpenter, but God chose Mary to be the mother of the Messiah, Jesus.

Now listen to this Pilgrim. Do you know the first people who went to see baby Jesus? Not the scribes, not religious leaders. No, no, not the Jews either. It was ordinary Shepherds, who carried Gold (wealth) myrrh (anointing oil) frankincense (perfume). The ordinary Shepherds were called and delegated for the extraordinary mission, and they heeded the call. Bishop Johnson concisely illustrated the visit by these ordinary Shepherds: They came; they saw; they worshipped. ‘Why did they worship, what else did they see,”

Bishop elaborated, [Quoting] “John said, ‘the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory.’ Bishop Johnson explained, “The word became flesh means God became man. Bishop continued to describe what the Shepherd saw in Mary’s baby: “Divinity clothed itself in humanity; power dressed itself in weakness; greatness wrapped itself in smallness; the supernatural hid itself in the natural and extraordinary. As they [Shepherds] looked at this ordinary child in the midst of the ordinary surrounding, they saw at another level. Everyone saw a child and saw a baby boy, they [shepherds]looked at humanity, and saw divinity.”

The Shepherds accomplished extraordinary things, because they were seekers after God.

Bishop Johnson also simplified the book of Judges Chapter 6 and 7, which focuses on Gideon, an ordinary man, whose clan was the weakest in Manasseh. Gideon was also the least in his family. Gideon was no warrior. When the Angel of the Lord approached Gideon; he was working his harvest in a secluded area to hide from the Medianites. Gideon an ordinary man was called, and commissioned by God to bring deliverance and freedom to Israel. And he did! Gideon didn’t use swords. With some trumpets, jars and a few faithful men, and acknowledging that the battle was the Lord’s, Gideon delivered Israel.

Let’s move to another story, my dear Pilgrim. Do you remembered the story of David the Shepherd boy who became king? Do, you know that David was not groomed to be a king? David was the least and smallest in his family, left to take care of animals, while his brothers fought in the army. God did extraordinary things through David because David obeyed and trusted God.

Also, in the book of Matthew, Jesus used the ordinary lunch of an ordinary boy to miraculously “feed 5000.” The boy willingly gave his lunch, when asked to share his meal, and an extraordinary thing was accomplished that day. This story brings to mind a verse, I inadvertently came across, and cherish: Proverbs 20:11.

At the close of his sermons, Bishop Johnson told the congregation that, they are the ordinary people God is willing to use for extraordinary things, but they must be willing to say “yes” to His calling! “Each of you is ordinary in the same way that David, Moses, Timothy, Amos, Jeremiah, Paul, Peter and John, were ordinary. It is the ordinary God chooses to work through and with ordinary people like you and me to accomplish His will in the world.”

He explained that, people look at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. In the case of David, the Shepherd boy, he had a heart for God, which is why God chose him for extraordinary things. What this demonstrates is that God’s choice may not always be the a famous person, or a wealthy person, instead it is the person with a heart for God. God can use anyone regardless of their lofty credentials, who they are or what they know. God is good at using the unlikely, even in our lives. The Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:7, “when I am weak, then I am strong.”

My dear Pilgrim, at the end of the four sermons, I began to contemplate, “how do we begin living right?” How do I begin living right? Like Gideon, we may be asked to tear down idols – idols of attitudes of selfishness, words that dishonor, including judgmental words, and condemning words.

I also learned from Bishop’s sermons that blind faith or faith abruptly driven into will fail. But a faith of reasoning is a faith that sees the emptiness of human reasoning, and stands every trial. That leap of faith in the light helps us to say, and to begin to grow in believing that “the battle is the Lord’s”. As I conclude this communication, I am beginning to deduce that when we begin to learn to see beyond the ordinariness in others, we will encourage others; we will see great potential in others; we will begin encourage others, we will empower others, and we will praise others for their successes.

I will begin today. Today I will go home and say: “You are a hero, God is with you!” I will pick up my phone, and call someone, I will say hello to that person, I will encourage that person, I will hear a potential in that person's voice. Perhaps my call will uplift that person’s spirit.

What will you do?


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Holding My Hand

Dear Pilgrim,

Where are you at this point in your journey, or let me ask, what is your most recent experience? Do you find this experience, one of learning or an experience that places you at a “check point” to reflect on the situation that just occurred?

I am learning to understand that I cannot determine, how far I've reached, because until I reach a stage, I can not assume to know that reaching that point is an important juncture in my journey. For example, I do ask myself, “What did I learn from that situation,” but cannot assume that because I have taken many steps (whether backward of forward) means I am making progress. To do so, in my own perception would mean to idolize my accomplishment. I try to look at my journey as a package – review situations, and not the journey. After all, I am still growing; I am not even going to pretend to be a “Czar” or “Tsar” in this area. A Czar in this area will not be on the journey, but will serve as head of Czardom; a Czar in this area will be at the top of the hill, mostly criticizing, or overly praising you, rather than guiding you. Do not be your own Czar; put aside the Czar crown, if you are wearing one and recluse yourself from Czardom.

I learn from a lot of sources, including situations, which sometimes can be tricky; I learn from reading books, I learn from watching movies, from listening to the experiences of others, and from watching situations as they unfold. Guess what? Sometimes I do neglect to implement some of the things learned when I am faced with similar, or the same situations. That means; I fall short all the time. Even right now, I am falling short, in my thoughts, and actions. It is 7am, and I am sitting at this computer writing you, but I have been preoccupied by a situation. Earlier, I had promised to pray about this situation, but have not offered this situation to God, but rather spent the time venting, getting upset, and trying to find means to solve the problem using my own strength. Yes, that is the truth, my dear comrade!

In sum, I fall, and when I recognize that I have fallen, I thank God for the eyes to see that I have fallen. Then, I murmur thanks to God for the strength to stand, and thank him for the knowledge and wisdom to murmur the thanks to him. In addition, I ask him to guide me as I begin the next step. I cannot do it on my own, is the placard I am learning to carry. So I ask him, I tell him, I petition him to do it for me and my son, Michael. Ah, who else can I call on? No one!

Pilgrim, I can testify that He took me from where I was , and brought me where I am today. Along the way, I had support from people he designated to stand by me. Not people I had in mind, but people I may have felt were too busy to hold my hand. But they did; they did not show me the way, they also joined me on the journey to rise out of the ashes of my mistakes and folly, when I miserably failed to keep my eyes on him. I also learned that God can turn a situation to your advantage. We have read it in many scriptures: the story of Joseph sold into slavery and later became the point of survival; the story of Moses – when he was a baby, the story of Moses' survival is something we know; Moses' life in exile and leading his people from slavery, points to how God can turn situations to our advantage. The stories are many, but I do hope that whatever situation you are facing at this moment, keep your eyes on Him. Think about a time you felt greatly disappointed, and later realized that disappointment was a blessing in disguise. Think about a time when you felt bad that you were left out, marginalized, and later realised it was a blessing. And then, the time you really wanted to marry that person, and when it didn't work out, you felt your life was over. Then later, you realized it was the best thing that happened - that you didn't marry that person you thought was your world, and soul mate. Think again Pilgrim, even now, you may be disappointed, but allow him to hold your hand in this situation. I will also need to "call on him," ask Him to give me the strength, the wisdom to give it all to him.

Like you, I am a single parent. Like you,I have been given the opportunity to raise a Prince. I do see this task as a blessing because, each child should be treated like a Prince or Princess. Raising a child well should be based on honesty, love, being polite, and allowing them to be creative. Remember, children watch our actions, and they register situation as a way of life. Do you want your child to see you in constant stress, and unhappy; do you want your child to see you and your spouse in physical and verbal abusive situations, or your spouse constantly bully you? Remember that raising a child well means the environment where they live, grow and learn is pleasant, the environment is free of hostility and rudeness, because coarse behavior affects a child’s psychology. I embrace my situation, my dear friend, because the alternative is unthinkable; the alternative was not in my interest, and it was unhealthy for the overall growth and development of my Prince. A positive and healthy environment creates a positive effect on mind, and development of children. I say, I rather be alone in the dark, than to have a "hazard" as a companion.

Well Pilgrim, take heart, and know that you are not alone. I must attend to my Prince, but reflect on my quick note to you. Remember, you were chosen to be your child's parent; that means molding the mind of your child, providing a safe, loving environment to help your little Jewel realize their full potential. And as you embrace the task, you will begin to see sparks of light on your path; all you need to do is to open your minds; open your heart, and open your hands to recognize and embrace the support and blessings that will come from the hands of angels who are waiting to help you nurture your Precious Jewel.

My prayer this morning is to give it to him. Also, I will be writing a petition regarding this situation, which I will share with you later today.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

An Amazing Prayer

Dear Pilgrim,

How are you faring on this journey of religious devotion? At my end, it is quite a challenge. However, I am finding strength in God’s word; though sometimes I take my eyes off Him, and begin relying on my own strength. However, I am grateful that He is forgiving and compassionate, and always welcomes me, when I call on Him. What a loving Father!

During our last communication, you told me of the challenges you faced on your own journey: The doubts, fears, self- pity, among other vices that tend to sway many from growing spiritually. In my own journey, I have, and continue to face many challenges, including persons who profess to be more religious, and faithful in the service of God, and therefore “closer to God” than some of us. I’m sure you have met similar characters. Did you also meet others who have offered to “show you the way,” and yet tried to use religion as a way of getting ahead in the world?

Pilgrim, I would like to share with you a prayer that I offer on a regular basis. This prayer is among a few that give me renewed strength. However, I would like to inform you that sometimes I fall short of saying this prayer; I become spiritually tired, despondent, physically weary, and distracted by my “to do” list; but mostly, I procrastinate. Well, you know, as much as I do that procrastination, and distractions are just a few of the many challenges that we all face on our spiritually journeys.

I gave my life to Christ a long time ago. I quite remembered that as a little girl, I told my (late) Mom that the story of Mary fascinated me, and I wanted to be Mary. I have stood up and received Christ, and do stand up sometimes to receive Christ, again, after wandering from his path.I believe doing so (re-receiving Christ) “somehow” symbolizes the beginning on a new journey, and also a mental and spiritual purification. For me, this prayer is a way of speaking against the devil, and surrending to Christ; I mean, submitting to Christ. I (try) to always pray this prayer for cleanings, and strength. I also tend to write petitioner prayers to God, which I find to be uplifting, and invigorating.

Well Pilgrim, thank you for this opportunity to share this prayer with you, and other pilgrims. I want to admonish you that I am also a Pilgrim, and my prayers are just my own way to search my soul, and [hopefully] build a relationship with God. If you desire to use the prayer, you can use it as it is, or amend the wordings to fit your needs:

Dear Lord Jesus,

I come before you today, and confess that I am a sinner. I repent of my sins, please have mercy on me, and forgive me. Teach me, and give me the strength to forgive others for what they have done against me, and my son, Michael. I reject Satan, and his agents. I thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the Cross for my sins. I give you my life; I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Cleanse me of my sins; give me the strength to serve you every day of my life. Cover me with your Precious Blood, and cover my son, Michael with your blood; let the Holy Spirit abide in us, Teach me, and give me the strength to follow you every day of my life. Amen.

I hope you find some strength in this prayer, Pilgrim. I am also on a spiritual journey, and do hope that we can continue to communicate, and share our stories , as well as encourage others to muster courage in the desire to grow spiritually.
