Saturday, January 22, 2011

An Amazing Prayer

Dear Pilgrim,

How are you faring on this journey of religious devotion? At my end, it is quite a challenge. However, I am finding strength in God’s word; though sometimes I take my eyes off Him, and begin relying on my own strength. However, I am grateful that He is forgiving and compassionate, and always welcomes me, when I call on Him. What a loving Father!

During our last communication, you told me of the challenges you faced on your own journey: The doubts, fears, self- pity, among other vices that tend to sway many from growing spiritually. In my own journey, I have, and continue to face many challenges, including persons who profess to be more religious, and faithful in the service of God, and therefore “closer to God” than some of us. I’m sure you have met similar characters. Did you also meet others who have offered to “show you the way,” and yet tried to use religion as a way of getting ahead in the world?

Pilgrim, I would like to share with you a prayer that I offer on a regular basis. This prayer is among a few that give me renewed strength. However, I would like to inform you that sometimes I fall short of saying this prayer; I become spiritually tired, despondent, physically weary, and distracted by my “to do” list; but mostly, I procrastinate. Well, you know, as much as I do that procrastination, and distractions are just a few of the many challenges that we all face on our spiritually journeys.

I gave my life to Christ a long time ago. I quite remembered that as a little girl, I told my (late) Mom that the story of Mary fascinated me, and I wanted to be Mary. I have stood up and received Christ, and do stand up sometimes to receive Christ, again, after wandering from his path.I believe doing so (re-receiving Christ) “somehow” symbolizes the beginning on a new journey, and also a mental and spiritual purification. For me, this prayer is a way of speaking against the devil, and surrending to Christ; I mean, submitting to Christ. I (try) to always pray this prayer for cleanings, and strength. I also tend to write petitioner prayers to God, which I find to be uplifting, and invigorating.

Well Pilgrim, thank you for this opportunity to share this prayer with you, and other pilgrims. I want to admonish you that I am also a Pilgrim, and my prayers are just my own way to search my soul, and [hopefully] build a relationship with God. If you desire to use the prayer, you can use it as it is, or amend the wordings to fit your needs:

Dear Lord Jesus,

I come before you today, and confess that I am a sinner. I repent of my sins, please have mercy on me, and forgive me. Teach me, and give me the strength to forgive others for what they have done against me, and my son, Michael. I reject Satan, and his agents. I thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the Cross for my sins. I give you my life; I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Cleanse me of my sins; give me the strength to serve you every day of my life. Cover me with your Precious Blood, and cover my son, Michael with your blood; let the Holy Spirit abide in us, Teach me, and give me the strength to follow you every day of my life. Amen.

I hope you find some strength in this prayer, Pilgrim. I am also on a spiritual journey, and do hope that we can continue to communicate, and share our stories , as well as encourage others to muster courage in the desire to grow spiritually.


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