Dear Pilgrim,
I am glad that in spite of our inability to communicate via this medium, our exchanges continued via other channel. As I said during our recent chat, I am grateful to God for his blessings, and grace during this period of transition.
Pilgrim, thanks for pointing out the communication from one of our readers. The short note, pasted in my previous letter reads:
Dear Musue,
I am writing to ask, so what do you think happen if my husband is what you say is toxic? I stay away from him or go to marriage counselor?
This letter, though without much detail, holds a woman’s indecisiveness about her marriage. After reading the letter; attached also in the comments section of my previous letter, Stay Away from Toxicity, I began to reflect on some of the problems that negatively influence not only marriages, but also affect Relationships. As I ponder some of the basic problems, I turned to a few universal views of some of the problems that cause breakdown of Marriages and Relationship. In that terrain, I counted a few and the foremost is communication. The rest includes, Extra Marital Affairs, Imbalance between Job/Career and the Relationship, the influence of Family & Friends, and the list goes on.
As I reflect discussions on the topic of marriage and relationship, I then re-examined one of Tyler’s Perry’s show I had just watched, ‘The Marriage counselor. In that play, the main character who’s the Marriage Counselor, is successful from the professional stand point of a career and desired the attention of her husband. On the other hand, the husband, engrossed in his work is more concerned about completing one project after another and paying bills. The husband is truly not a good listener and is lacking in communication skills when it comes to what the wife is actually saying in regards to their relationship. The show is typical of the challenges of many persons struggling to make marriages and relationship work. The theme of the play demonstrates the need to be more aware of basic problems in marriage and relationships in order to evaluate what communication skills can be developed and improved upon in relationships. I see "Marriage Counselor" as a play indicative of the challenges a relationship presents when there is a flaw in communication. I do hope more families faced with challenges in relationships can take a moment to watch this play. I learned from the play that the success or crash of a marriage usually depends on how couples deal with the issues in their lives.
In addition to the important points featured in Tyler Perry’s Marriage Counselor, and other prominent works, another salient problem in marriages and relationship pointed out by Praveenben is the issue of ego. Ego has to do with self-absorption, (focusing only on oneself- what I want, what I need, what I deserve, what I am thinking about, etc) which affects the ability for couples to feel the oneness that should exist in relationship. The presence of ego by one partner gives rise to conflict; it brings about selfishness, and several other problems. Though in all marriages and relationships, problems arise, however giving up selfishness helps couples to communicate appropriately, find common ground, build trust, and work together as one, thereby dissolving most marriage and relationship problems.
Pilgrim, in my search for answers to our reader’s question about whether to stay in her marriage or abandon the marriage, I also delve into the Bible, and came across a few verses that discussed the values that promote growth in marriages and relationships.
Hebrews 13:4, stressed: “Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.”
This Hebrew verse concisely states that Marriage is highly esteemed as one of God's own instituting, and as highly calculated to produce the best interests of mankind. Every man must cleave to his own wife, and every wife cleave to her own husband, because God will judge, and punish, all fornicators and adulterers. We should always remember, that though secret sins may escape the eyes of our partners, but a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, who not only sees, but wonder about all his goings. Isn’t that interesting!
Proverbs 5:18-20 states “Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth. She is a loving doe, a graceful deer. Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love.”
In summary, the verse implores husbands to make the wife happy by keeping to her and from others; by behaving in a loving, pleasant, and respectful manner to her; and by living comfortably with her, and providing well for her and her children: or reckon her a happiness, a blessing from God. Let’s assume that giving our economic hardship, the husband cannot provide his wife’s material needs, that doesn’t mean he cannot love, respect and cherish her. Those basic values are even more valuable than material things.
Another bible verse associated with relationships and marriages is Ephesians 4:29. The verse maintained, “Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”
When I read Ephesians 4: 29, I was immediately transported to two verses, Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and he that loves it will eat from its fruit,” and Matthew 12:37 reads; "The tongue is the instrument either of a great deal of good, or of a great deal of evil.” How true are these verses? We know that Words can hurt, words can encourage. Use words wisely because once leaving your mouth they cannot be taken back, and who knows, they may forever reign.
Other bible verses to also look at include, Thessalonians 5:11: So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing; Ephesians 5:28 - In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man is actually loving himself when he loves his wife.
Pilgrim, since our friend was not specific about her problems, it’s is important to look at a few issues that shaken the foundation of relationships. Trust is one of the major backbones of a relationship. Everyone knows that a relationship needs solid trust in order to really thrive. It’s no secret that the best relationships are the ones built on strong trust, love, and communication. If there are some problems with trust in a relationship, then there they will cause further relationship problems. Let’s hope our friend is not faced with trust issues. Is our friend having communication problems in her relationship? Communication is one of the most important things a relationship needs to succeed. If there is little to no communication in a relationship, problems are bound to arise and the relationship will more than likely not last long.
In addition to allowing God to serve as Captain, I would also appeal that our reader discuss her concerns with her spouse. Both parties can then decide on what can be done to ensure that they are contented. In addition, I would like to suggest a technique that I learned several years ago, while contemplating the decision to return home after several years in exile. For our reader, I suggest that she draw a line down in the middle of a piece of paper. On one side, she should write about the good qualities of her spouse, and on the other side, she should write about the bad things. Her spouse should do the same thing. After writing everything down, they would look at the paper and see if the good outweighs the bad. I sincerely believe this strategy can really open up your eyes to see the big picture and it will let them think about things both good and bad. Hopefully, they can begin to communicate effectively, build up the relationship, and most importantly, pray together.
I do hope Pilgrim, that our reader puts her trust in God, and allow Him to guide her in making decisions regarding her marriage. And let’s keep praying for one another.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
God Doesn’t Like Ugly: Stay Away from Toxicity
Dear Pilgrim,
I received your communication. The reasons for my delayed response are two-fold: I was traveling out of state; secondly, I wanted to prepare a more enlightened response to your communication. Now, let's look at an excerpt of your letter:
“I met some people, and realized that though we are all proclaiming to be pilgrims; a few of the new acquaintances are constantly undermining our leaders. In addition to their endless opposition to ideas and activities aimed at helping us grow spiritually, and overcome challenges on our journey, these individuals I have come to see as poisonous appear to be more interested in things outside of our spiritual journey, and activities that hinder our spiritual growth. We have met these individuals in small groups to discuss their concerns, but our efforts have been without success. As a Pilgrim, how do I cope with such negativity, without failing in my journey to grow spiritually? Are there scriptures to help me handle, or understand what I need to do with such noxious people?”
Pilgrim, when I read your communication, I thought about a novel. God Don't Like Ugly, written by Mary Monroe! I found this book interesting because the characters loved to gossip and talk about people. The basic plot revolves around a young girl, Annette who is being sexually abused by the live-in border, a one-legged man Mr. Boatwright. Mr. Boatwright was taken in by Annette’s mother. He presents one personality during the day -- cooks for the family, takes Annette to the market with him, to the movies and goes with the family to church and at times is kind to her, and then at night destroys it all by making the innocent child, Annette his victim of sexual abuse.
If I am right, your group encouraged the so-called pilgrims (poisonous individuals) to join you in your religious journey. Secondly, rather than helping to strengthen the mission and visions of the religious journey, the new additions sought to create division, and undermine the leadership of the group, thereby derailing the group’s progress and the spiritual growth of individuals.
I find the new members on your journey similar to the one- legged boarder, Mr. Boatwright in Mary Monroe’s novel, who was taken in by Annette’s mother. Like Mr. Boatwright, who was taken in by Annette’s mother, the so-called pilgrims were encouraged to become a part of your entourage on a religious journey. Similar to Mr. Boatwright who mercilessly sexually abuse his host’s daughter, the so-called pilgrims deliberated selected to undercut the very leaders that opened their arms to them, undermine the vision and mission of the leaders who graciously received them, scandalize the integrity of members, as well as (attempted to) dampen the spiritual growth of individual members. I can imagine the confusion.
As I reflected on your communication, and visualized the scenario, I thought about some bible verses: Psalm 58:3 “These wicked people are born sinners; even from birth they have lied and gone their own way. The next verse, Psalm 58:4 states: They spit venom like deadly snakes; they are like cobras that refuse to listen.” The commentary of the verse is that the poison of wicked people is like the poison of a serpent - When they bite, they transmit poison into the wound, as the serpent does. They not only injure you by outward acts, but by their wickedness and malice they poison your reputation. They do you as much evil as they can, and spread the worst reports that others may look at you with less respect or with hatred, treat you as a bad person. Just as the poison from the bite of the serpent is conveyed into the blood, and circulates with the blood through all the body system, carrying death everywhere; so is the same way the speech of wicked people (intended to) circulate through society, and poison and destroy the reputation of others, and undermine others they envy. Those are the acts of those who slander others, and that is their influence in society, especially among those who have not come to realize the wickedness of such people who are like serpents. From such wicked people who spite out venom, no one’s reputation is safe, no one’s character is protected in the hands of such people, and when faced with such people God alone can shield the innocent from the envenomed tongue and lying lips of such monsters in the shape of men.
Psalm 58: 3-4 are referenced in Deuteronomy 32:33, which states: “Their wine is the venom of serpents, the deadly poison of cobras,” and Psalm 52:3: “You [evil persons] love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth. Take a lot at Psalm 140: 3: They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent's; the poison of vipers is on their lips.”
The bible verse mentioned above demonstrates that truly, while God is a loving God, he doesn’t like Ugly. Ugly in this discussion doesn’t mean structurally or facially ugly (though we know that some evil people are ugly, and the aura around them is dark), the ‘ugly” in this discussion meant to mean “bad.” Badness aimed at destroying the growth and development of others; badness to mean biting the hands that embraces, feeds, or uplifts, you, and or God’s children; badness to put down others, and make leaders ineffective, or attempt to weaken leaders gradually or insidiously. Envenomed tongues that undermine others, particularly leaders are desperate for recognition, and the despersate desire to be in the power of positions. However, what most don’t know is what my friend TKT says: If You Can’t Follow You’ll Never Lead.” As I ponder TKT’s statement, I now understand clearly why it [his statement] is undoubtedly true. First, God believes in proper leadership. Therefore, God invests in leadership. Secondly, how can a person who has not learned to appreciate the good in others be a good leader? How can a person who has never learned to obey be a good leader, or learn basic communication skills, including being a productive part of a team as a follower become an effective leader? A person who hasn’t learned to follow will never be able to lead. In order to become a leader, one must become a good follower first. All great leaders are submitted to someone of a higher authority, and that includes respecting God. The Bible speaks clearly on respect for authority: 1 Peter 2: 13- 14: Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.”
Pilgrim, having pointed out scriptures that discuss the venomous tongues, and the extend at which lying tongues can go to destroy others. , I will now look at how we relate to listening to negatives/evil and how it impacts our growth. According to the scriptures, Proverbs 17:4 states: "A wicked person listens to deceitful lips; a liar pays attention to a destructive tongue.” While the verse may sound harsh, I believe that giving an audience to negativity encourages the spread of such negativity. Moreover, I sincerely believe that what we listen to affect our thoughts.
Should you stay in the presence of the wicked? Proverbs 14:7 say, “Stay away from a foolish man, for you will not find knowledge on his lips.” The verse is asking us to stay away from the presence of a foolish man, and for a wicked person, shun his company, depart from him, have no fellowship with him, because such fellowship can be dangerous, infectious, and hurtful.
Is it possible to change the orientation of a Fool, [I am not saying an uneducated person]? Proverbs 23:9 says: Do not speak to a fool, for he will scorn the wisdom of your words. Matthew 7: 6 added, "Never give what is holy to dogs or throw your pearls [gems]before pigs. Otherwise, they will trample them with their feet and then turn around and attack you." What does the verse Matthew 7:6 denotes. We know that pearls are precious stones, and thy are used to denote anything precious. Until recently, "Dogs" signify people who spurn, oppose, and abuse; people of intense bitterness and malignity of temper, who growl at and eschew God's gifts. "Swine" signify those who would trample God's gifts and blessings underfoot; people of impurity of life; those who are polluted, corupted profane, and obscene; those who would not know the value of the gifts, God's works and beauty in others, and who would tread them down as swine would tread on pearls. Evidently, Matthew 7: 6 urges us to resist from offering our principle to those sadistic, unclean, and abusive people who would growl and curse you; nor to those especially debased and shameless who would not recognize its value, would trample it down, and later turn around to abuse and attack you.
So what have you gathered from these Bible verses, and from the Universal law about listening to negative? Let's assume you are not a christian; what ever your religious practices, we are all guided by some principles. One such principle is the Universal Law govern the Universe and that help us in our search for peace, stability, and enhance our outlook on issues. The Universal Laws include the Universal Law of attraction, the Universal Law of abundance, the Universal Law of cause and effect, and the list goes on. As we know, the “Universe” means the Universal spirit, God, a higher power, or the eternal power. Proponents of the Universal Laws, (Mahatma Gandhi, School of Metaphysics, among other) believe that the qualities you admire in others, are existing within yourself. And the qualities you resist in yourself, you will also dislike in others and the qualities that you resist and react to in others is often some quality which you are afraid exists within you. So, if you consider these, we can say that to draw positiveness, we need to stop listening to negative, and begin listening to positive if we are to uplift positivenes within ourselves. We also need to stay away, and or remove ourselves from negative people, negative situations and negative environment. In sum, we must simply shut our ears and eyes off to negativity, and to open our hearts to possibility and positiveness, if we are to glow in positiveness! Can you do that?
Pilgrim, as you reach the end of my response to your inquires, I also ask that you read Genesis 13: 3-8 and Gen 21: 8-13, listen to the Great Spirit, our Helper, and Counselor that speaks to us about our own life and guides us, and write down your thoughts.
I hope you find some answers in my response and Bible verses. Take care and let me hear from you again.
I received your communication. The reasons for my delayed response are two-fold: I was traveling out of state; secondly, I wanted to prepare a more enlightened response to your communication. Now, let's look at an excerpt of your letter:
“I met some people, and realized that though we are all proclaiming to be pilgrims; a few of the new acquaintances are constantly undermining our leaders. In addition to their endless opposition to ideas and activities aimed at helping us grow spiritually, and overcome challenges on our journey, these individuals I have come to see as poisonous appear to be more interested in things outside of our spiritual journey, and activities that hinder our spiritual growth. We have met these individuals in small groups to discuss their concerns, but our efforts have been without success. As a Pilgrim, how do I cope with such negativity, without failing in my journey to grow spiritually? Are there scriptures to help me handle, or understand what I need to do with such noxious people?”
Pilgrim, when I read your communication, I thought about a novel. God Don't Like Ugly, written by Mary Monroe! I found this book interesting because the characters loved to gossip and talk about people. The basic plot revolves around a young girl, Annette who is being sexually abused by the live-in border, a one-legged man Mr. Boatwright. Mr. Boatwright was taken in by Annette’s mother. He presents one personality during the day -- cooks for the family, takes Annette to the market with him, to the movies and goes with the family to church and at times is kind to her, and then at night destroys it all by making the innocent child, Annette his victim of sexual abuse.
If I am right, your group encouraged the so-called pilgrims (poisonous individuals) to join you in your religious journey. Secondly, rather than helping to strengthen the mission and visions of the religious journey, the new additions sought to create division, and undermine the leadership of the group, thereby derailing the group’s progress and the spiritual growth of individuals.
I find the new members on your journey similar to the one- legged boarder, Mr. Boatwright in Mary Monroe’s novel, who was taken in by Annette’s mother. Like Mr. Boatwright, who was taken in by Annette’s mother, the so-called pilgrims were encouraged to become a part of your entourage on a religious journey. Similar to Mr. Boatwright who mercilessly sexually abuse his host’s daughter, the so-called pilgrims deliberated selected to undercut the very leaders that opened their arms to them, undermine the vision and mission of the leaders who graciously received them, scandalize the integrity of members, as well as (attempted to) dampen the spiritual growth of individual members. I can imagine the confusion.
As I reflected on your communication, and visualized the scenario, I thought about some bible verses: Psalm 58:3 “These wicked people are born sinners; even from birth they have lied and gone their own way. The next verse, Psalm 58:4 states: They spit venom like deadly snakes; they are like cobras that refuse to listen.” The commentary of the verse is that the poison of wicked people is like the poison of a serpent - When they bite, they transmit poison into the wound, as the serpent does. They not only injure you by outward acts, but by their wickedness and malice they poison your reputation. They do you as much evil as they can, and spread the worst reports that others may look at you with less respect or with hatred, treat you as a bad person. Just as the poison from the bite of the serpent is conveyed into the blood, and circulates with the blood through all the body system, carrying death everywhere; so is the same way the speech of wicked people (intended to) circulate through society, and poison and destroy the reputation of others, and undermine others they envy. Those are the acts of those who slander others, and that is their influence in society, especially among those who have not come to realize the wickedness of such people who are like serpents. From such wicked people who spite out venom, no one’s reputation is safe, no one’s character is protected in the hands of such people, and when faced with such people God alone can shield the innocent from the envenomed tongue and lying lips of such monsters in the shape of men.
Psalm 58: 3-4 are referenced in Deuteronomy 32:33, which states: “Their wine is the venom of serpents, the deadly poison of cobras,” and Psalm 52:3: “You [evil persons] love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth. Take a lot at Psalm 140: 3: They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent's; the poison of vipers is on their lips.”
The bible verse mentioned above demonstrates that truly, while God is a loving God, he doesn’t like Ugly. Ugly in this discussion doesn’t mean structurally or facially ugly (though we know that some evil people are ugly, and the aura around them is dark), the ‘ugly” in this discussion meant to mean “bad.” Badness aimed at destroying the growth and development of others; badness to mean biting the hands that embraces, feeds, or uplifts, you, and or God’s children; badness to put down others, and make leaders ineffective, or attempt to weaken leaders gradually or insidiously. Envenomed tongues that undermine others, particularly leaders are desperate for recognition, and the despersate desire to be in the power of positions. However, what most don’t know is what my friend TKT says: If You Can’t Follow You’ll Never Lead.” As I ponder TKT’s statement, I now understand clearly why it [his statement] is undoubtedly true. First, God believes in proper leadership. Therefore, God invests in leadership. Secondly, how can a person who has not learned to appreciate the good in others be a good leader? How can a person who has never learned to obey be a good leader, or learn basic communication skills, including being a productive part of a team as a follower become an effective leader? A person who hasn’t learned to follow will never be able to lead. In order to become a leader, one must become a good follower first. All great leaders are submitted to someone of a higher authority, and that includes respecting God. The Bible speaks clearly on respect for authority: 1 Peter 2: 13- 14: Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.”
Pilgrim, having pointed out scriptures that discuss the venomous tongues, and the extend at which lying tongues can go to destroy others. , I will now look at how we relate to listening to negatives/evil and how it impacts our growth. According to the scriptures, Proverbs 17:4 states: "A wicked person listens to deceitful lips; a liar pays attention to a destructive tongue.” While the verse may sound harsh, I believe that giving an audience to negativity encourages the spread of such negativity. Moreover, I sincerely believe that what we listen to affect our thoughts.
Should you stay in the presence of the wicked? Proverbs 14:7 say, “Stay away from a foolish man, for you will not find knowledge on his lips.” The verse is asking us to stay away from the presence of a foolish man, and for a wicked person, shun his company, depart from him, have no fellowship with him, because such fellowship can be dangerous, infectious, and hurtful.
Is it possible to change the orientation of a Fool, [I am not saying an uneducated person]? Proverbs 23:9 says: Do not speak to a fool, for he will scorn the wisdom of your words. Matthew 7: 6 added, "Never give what is holy to dogs or throw your pearls [gems]before pigs. Otherwise, they will trample them with their feet and then turn around and attack you." What does the verse Matthew 7:6 denotes. We know that pearls are precious stones, and thy are used to denote anything precious. Until recently, "Dogs" signify people who spurn, oppose, and abuse; people of intense bitterness and malignity of temper, who growl at and eschew God's gifts. "Swine" signify those who would trample God's gifts and blessings underfoot; people of impurity of life; those who are polluted, corupted profane, and obscene; those who would not know the value of the gifts, God's works and beauty in others, and who would tread them down as swine would tread on pearls. Evidently, Matthew 7: 6 urges us to resist from offering our principle to those sadistic, unclean, and abusive people who would growl and curse you; nor to those especially debased and shameless who would not recognize its value, would trample it down, and later turn around to abuse and attack you.
So what have you gathered from these Bible verses, and from the Universal law about listening to negative? Let's assume you are not a christian; what ever your religious practices, we are all guided by some principles. One such principle is the Universal Law govern the Universe and that help us in our search for peace, stability, and enhance our outlook on issues. The Universal Laws include the Universal Law of attraction, the Universal Law of abundance, the Universal Law of cause and effect, and the list goes on. As we know, the “Universe” means the Universal spirit, God, a higher power, or the eternal power. Proponents of the Universal Laws, (Mahatma Gandhi, School of Metaphysics, among other) believe that the qualities you admire in others, are existing within yourself. And the qualities you resist in yourself, you will also dislike in others and the qualities that you resist and react to in others is often some quality which you are afraid exists within you. So, if you consider these, we can say that to draw positiveness, we need to stop listening to negative, and begin listening to positive if we are to uplift positivenes within ourselves. We also need to stay away, and or remove ourselves from negative people, negative situations and negative environment. In sum, we must simply shut our ears and eyes off to negativity, and to open our hearts to possibility and positiveness, if we are to glow in positiveness! Can you do that?
Pilgrim, as you reach the end of my response to your inquires, I also ask that you read Genesis 13: 3-8 and Gen 21: 8-13, listen to the Great Spirit, our Helper, and Counselor that speaks to us about our own life and guides us, and write down your thoughts.
I hope you find some answers in my response and Bible verses. Take care and let me hear from you again.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
There is Power in Numbers: A Little Prayer for My Friend, Wanda and our Children
Dear Pilgrim,
Thanks for your beautiful communication regarding intercessory prayers, and the importance of fellowship, and or joining hands, (not always literally, but in one accord) to pray about an issue or situation.
Pilgrim, I also believe in intercessory prayers, or prayers of agreement. However, until after reading Joyce Meyer’s book: The Power of Simple Prayer: How to Talk with God about Everything", my understanding of intercessory prayers, and prayers of agreement were unclear. After reading Joyce Meyer’s books, coupled with a few other authors in the field, I assumed that intercessory prayers and prayers of agreement could be carried out by anyone.
What is an intercessory prayer? According to summaries of various definitions, an intercessory prayer is a prayer provided by someone else for another person, or for others.” An intercessor is the one who takes the place of another or pleads another's case, or the one who intercedes.
Are there special people with special positions who can be intercessors, or are there people who have special relationship with God to offer intercessory prayers? I learned from Evangelist and author, Joyce Meyers that those who offer intercessory prayers are not of special class or “super-Christians,” called by God to a specific ministry of intercession. No, no. If that was the case, we would be running here there yonder to identify the few "super Christians" to intercede for us. Remember, the Bible is clear that all Christians are called to be intercessors, because we all have the Holy Spirit in our hearts and, just as He intercedes for us in accordance with God’s will we are to intercede for one another. Being an intercessor is therefore not a privilege limited to a small elite of Christians. In 1 Samuel 12: 23“As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you,” which I understand to mean that it is in fact a sin not to intercede for others. However, Joyce highlights a point, which I found quite agreeable. That is, an intercessor must be in agreement, in order to successful play the role of an intercessor. For me, that means, the intercessor should embrace God's love; the intercessor also welcomes the Holy Spirit within their own heart, and is willing to intercede regarding the situation and issue without any prejudice.
In addition, after reading Meyers’ book and other materials from Max Lucado, T.D Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, among other authors, intercessory Prayers and Prayer of Agreement go hand in hand. That is, the intercessor must be in agreement to plead, or must be in agreement to unite in their belief and conviction, or faith to intercded for the other person, or persons.Can I pray for Wanda if we do not agree? Can you pray for your loved one if you do not agree or do not share similar views on the solution to the problem? Does the scriptures provide agreement that can help us in our faith during prayers?
As Christians, we must look for the fundamental agreement, which can be found in the Word. Read the scriptures, find the Word relating to challenge or the situation and pray according to the Word. For example, to pray about a financial situation Philippians 4:19 states: And my God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus, while Matthew 18: 19 says: “Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (coordinate our thoughts) about whatever they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in heaven.” Having read just the two scriptures, does the Bible give us the authority or opportunity to pray for our financial need, our needs for food, and clothing? Does the Bible or the scriptures give us the authority to pray for our children, our friends and love ones, or others we feel compassion towards?
Yes, Pilgrim, the Bible tells us that if any two on earth agree, it did not say if any two special people agree, or two most Holy people agree. No. If any two agree, Jesus would be in the midst of that agreement to see that it comes to pass. So, if you agree with another believer anything that lines up with the Word of God, He is there in your midst to carry it out. When I read Copeland’s summary of prayer of agreement, I was quite pleased by the way he described [prayer of] “You must have your spirit, mind and actions in agreement with the Word.” Yes! That is it. When you join to pray with someone, the fundamental ingredients for that intercession and agreement must be whether the SPIRIT, MIND and ACTIONS are at least on the same or similar par.
So my dear Pilgrim, we can pray for our needs and those of others. However, to do so, it is important to fellowship. I believe that through our own individual prayers, getting familiar with the Word, and fellowshipping, we can harmonize together, make a symphony together so that our spirits, minds and actions are in agreement with the Word.”
While agreement makes prayer work, my dear Pilgrim, we must remember as always that disagreement opens the door for the devil and evil spirits to come in, as stated in James 3: 16: “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work”.
Today, let us pray for our friends and our children. As we prayed for my friend Wanda, and our Children, I am aware that we are united in Spirit, our thoughts and actions are in harmony regarding the situations on our hearts as we stand before the throne of God. We believed Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and have faith that our prayer request is within the Word, and it is well.
So in our prayer today, we agree and intercede for Wanda, and our Children:
Dear Lord, we come to you and hereby agree, according to Matthew 18:19 and John 17:15.“Father, we see in Your Word that You will supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory, and we pray as Jesus did for his disciples that our children will be protected from the evil ones in all areas of their lives. We are setting ourselves in agreement that our prayers for Wanda and prayer of peace and protection for our children and all children faced with challenges are met according to Your Word. We ask you God, in the name of Jesus to dispatch angels to surround Wanda and her family; send your angels in the name of Jesus to surround my son, and to surround Pilgrim’s children and all children, so that our children and all children are protected against all physical, emotional and mental incidents, and interferences.. Dear God, you are the mighty healer, do your work in our family and our children from this day forth. Teach us, give us the strength, and wisdom, open doors of opportunities; strengthen us always, mind, body, and spirit to see and protect our children from the thieves, and demolishers.. We thank you for silencing heaven to hear our prayers, we believe your angels are protecting our Children, and they are sheltered against the evil ones, and healed. We establish this agreement, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
In unision, let us say: "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." AMEN
At the end of the above prayer, we can always pray, where ever we are. and even as we carry out our household chores. I’ve learned that prayer is not only when you're down on your knees, shouting out to God. Prayers can be simple; like a conversation with God. I pray when I’m in the kitchen, when I am shopping, brushing my teeth, walking down the alley, on the bus or the train, or working on the computer. Truthfully, recently, I fell back again in my prayer life, and the impact is recognizable. I remembered once feeling very guilty about falling back in my prayer life, and when I spoke with a friend, I was reminded that "we all fall, but the important things is to rise". And I read similar reminders in other books, including the bible. I am picking up again, and find myself smiling again that I am continuing on my walk with my Shepherd. I know that I will again be walking on air, as my heart begins to fill with his love; his presence begins to manifest in my life. Don't get me wrong, he is always with us, but the manifestation of his presence is felt when we embrace him.
You may want to know why I am praying for Wanda. Well, have you ever met someone and felt you have known this person throughout your life? Or have you met someone and then it hits you that this person feels like a part of you; when you begin to interact, you begin to wonder how you hold similar views on issues?
Well, Wanda is a friend. We met almost a year ago, and our friendship did not grow rapidly, but it developed really gradually. I have come to see Wanda as a sister. Believe me, outwardly, we are two contrasting individuals, but when we communicate, our ideas are similar. Sometimes, I am amazed at how we tend to use almost the same ideas, or words to describe a situation. We also share similar views about the educational system, and how it influences the development of our children. You will need to observe us to see how we are interchangeable, or how we sometimes hold the same position, or views on a topic, and sometimes utter similar words to concisely describe a situation.
I hope you meet Wanda someday. Until then, lets keep praying for our children, and the children of the world.
Thanks for your beautiful communication regarding intercessory prayers, and the importance of fellowship, and or joining hands, (not always literally, but in one accord) to pray about an issue or situation.
Pilgrim, I also believe in intercessory prayers, or prayers of agreement. However, until after reading Joyce Meyer’s book: The Power of Simple Prayer: How to Talk with God about Everything", my understanding of intercessory prayers, and prayers of agreement were unclear. After reading Joyce Meyer’s books, coupled with a few other authors in the field, I assumed that intercessory prayers and prayers of agreement could be carried out by anyone.
What is an intercessory prayer? According to summaries of various definitions, an intercessory prayer is a prayer provided by someone else for another person, or for others.” An intercessor is the one who takes the place of another or pleads another's case, or the one who intercedes.
Are there special people with special positions who can be intercessors, or are there people who have special relationship with God to offer intercessory prayers? I learned from Evangelist and author, Joyce Meyers that those who offer intercessory prayers are not of special class or “super-Christians,” called by God to a specific ministry of intercession. No, no. If that was the case, we would be running here there yonder to identify the few "super Christians" to intercede for us. Remember, the Bible is clear that all Christians are called to be intercessors, because we all have the Holy Spirit in our hearts and, just as He intercedes for us in accordance with God’s will we are to intercede for one another. Being an intercessor is therefore not a privilege limited to a small elite of Christians. In 1 Samuel 12: 23“As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you,” which I understand to mean that it is in fact a sin not to intercede for others. However, Joyce highlights a point, which I found quite agreeable. That is, an intercessor must be in agreement, in order to successful play the role of an intercessor. For me, that means, the intercessor should embrace God's love; the intercessor also welcomes the Holy Spirit within their own heart, and is willing to intercede regarding the situation and issue without any prejudice.
In addition, after reading Meyers’ book and other materials from Max Lucado, T.D Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, among other authors, intercessory Prayers and Prayer of Agreement go hand in hand. That is, the intercessor must be in agreement to plead, or must be in agreement to unite in their belief and conviction, or faith to intercded for the other person, or persons.Can I pray for Wanda if we do not agree? Can you pray for your loved one if you do not agree or do not share similar views on the solution to the problem? Does the scriptures provide agreement that can help us in our faith during prayers?
As Christians, we must look for the fundamental agreement, which can be found in the Word. Read the scriptures, find the Word relating to challenge or the situation and pray according to the Word. For example, to pray about a financial situation Philippians 4:19 states: And my God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus, while Matthew 18: 19 says: “Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (coordinate our thoughts) about whatever they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in heaven.” Having read just the two scriptures, does the Bible give us the authority or opportunity to pray for our financial need, our needs for food, and clothing? Does the Bible or the scriptures give us the authority to pray for our children, our friends and love ones, or others we feel compassion towards?
Yes, Pilgrim, the Bible tells us that if any two on earth agree, it did not say if any two special people agree, or two most Holy people agree. No. If any two agree, Jesus would be in the midst of that agreement to see that it comes to pass. So, if you agree with another believer anything that lines up with the Word of God, He is there in your midst to carry it out. When I read Copeland’s summary of prayer of agreement, I was quite pleased by the way he described [prayer of] “You must have your spirit, mind and actions in agreement with the Word.” Yes! That is it. When you join to pray with someone, the fundamental ingredients for that intercession and agreement must be whether the SPIRIT, MIND and ACTIONS are at least on the same or similar par.
So my dear Pilgrim, we can pray for our needs and those of others. However, to do so, it is important to fellowship. I believe that through our own individual prayers, getting familiar with the Word, and fellowshipping, we can harmonize together, make a symphony together so that our spirits, minds and actions are in agreement with the Word.”
While agreement makes prayer work, my dear Pilgrim, we must remember as always that disagreement opens the door for the devil and evil spirits to come in, as stated in James 3: 16: “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work”.
Today, let us pray for our friends and our children. As we prayed for my friend Wanda, and our Children, I am aware that we are united in Spirit, our thoughts and actions are in harmony regarding the situations on our hearts as we stand before the throne of God. We believed Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and have faith that our prayer request is within the Word, and it is well.
So in our prayer today, we agree and intercede for Wanda, and our Children:
Dear Lord, we come to you and hereby agree, according to Matthew 18:19 and John 17:15.“Father, we see in Your Word that You will supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory, and we pray as Jesus did for his disciples that our children will be protected from the evil ones in all areas of their lives. We are setting ourselves in agreement that our prayers for Wanda and prayer of peace and protection for our children and all children faced with challenges are met according to Your Word. We ask you God, in the name of Jesus to dispatch angels to surround Wanda and her family; send your angels in the name of Jesus to surround my son, and to surround Pilgrim’s children and all children, so that our children and all children are protected against all physical, emotional and mental incidents, and interferences.. Dear God, you are the mighty healer, do your work in our family and our children from this day forth. Teach us, give us the strength, and wisdom, open doors of opportunities; strengthen us always, mind, body, and spirit to see and protect our children from the thieves, and demolishers.. We thank you for silencing heaven to hear our prayers, we believe your angels are protecting our Children, and they are sheltered against the evil ones, and healed. We establish this agreement, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
In unision, let us say: "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." AMEN
At the end of the above prayer, we can always pray, where ever we are. and even as we carry out our household chores. I’ve learned that prayer is not only when you're down on your knees, shouting out to God. Prayers can be simple; like a conversation with God. I pray when I’m in the kitchen, when I am shopping, brushing my teeth, walking down the alley, on the bus or the train, or working on the computer. Truthfully, recently, I fell back again in my prayer life, and the impact is recognizable. I remembered once feeling very guilty about falling back in my prayer life, and when I spoke with a friend, I was reminded that "we all fall, but the important things is to rise". And I read similar reminders in other books, including the bible. I am picking up again, and find myself smiling again that I am continuing on my walk with my Shepherd. I know that I will again be walking on air, as my heart begins to fill with his love; his presence begins to manifest in my life. Don't get me wrong, he is always with us, but the manifestation of his presence is felt when we embrace him.
You may want to know why I am praying for Wanda. Well, have you ever met someone and felt you have known this person throughout your life? Or have you met someone and then it hits you that this person feels like a part of you; when you begin to interact, you begin to wonder how you hold similar views on issues?
Well, Wanda is a friend. We met almost a year ago, and our friendship did not grow rapidly, but it developed really gradually. I have come to see Wanda as a sister. Believe me, outwardly, we are two contrasting individuals, but when we communicate, our ideas are similar. Sometimes, I am amazed at how we tend to use almost the same ideas, or words to describe a situation. We also share similar views about the educational system, and how it influences the development of our children. You will need to observe us to see how we are interchangeable, or how we sometimes hold the same position, or views on a topic, and sometimes utter similar words to concisely describe a situation.
I hope you meet Wanda someday. Until then, lets keep praying for our children, and the children of the world.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Are you an Adulterer or an Adulteress?
Dear Pilgrim,
I received your response to my communication. I do hope that someday, you may feel comfortable to post your communication on this medium, so that others may also benefit from our discussions.
In your communication, you proposed that we delve more into the Bible verse, James 4: 4-10, that Bishop Darlingston Johnson used to preach on Adulterers and Adulteresses, and Friendship with the world. Bishop’s theme may not have been “Adulterers and Adulteresses,” but the topic seems appropriate for our discussion. Doesn’t it?
Bishop Johnson drove through his sermon using an anecdote of an adulterous woman, to illustrate how God feels when we move outside of our relationship with him, to become more attracted to the world as a friend. Not Bishop’s exact word, but his story of the adulterous wife went in this manner:
Imagine a woman who’s married to a faithful loving man. But the wife is not prepared to fully give her heart, nor spend her time with her husband. Why did she get married in the first place? Bishop went on to explain that in such relationships, there is the tendency for the person the wife is engage in extra marital affairs with to point at the husband and make derogatory comments such as, “You say you married the woman, but I’m sleeping with her,” or “You have the ring, but I have the woman.” That is the same way it is when we stray in our relationship with Christ. Like the good husband, who has an adulterous wife, God has given him-self fully and completely to us, so it is not unreasonable to give ourselves fully to him. Bishop said, “When we engage is adultery or adulterous act, by our actions, we become the enemy. God doesn’t hate us, but by our actions we are the enemy.”
Bishop went onto portray what an adulterous woman’s action is like: The adulterous woman’s extra martial affair is a demonstration of dishonor, towards her husband, who loves his wife, and a destruction of the relationship. By being adulterous, the wife demonstrates hatred; she brings dishonor, and ultimate betrayal and shame to the husband and the relationship, as well as her family.
Pilgrim, the adulterous woman is aware of her husband’s love for her, and like us, we tend to take advantage of God’s love for us by engaging in extra ordinary sins like the adulterous wife. We exploit God’s love and mercy by living an adulterous lifestyle. Bishop said, “As bad as it is for a woman to engage in an adulterous act to a man even if he is not the best man, can you imagine that it is exceedingly wicked for a woman to engage in adulterous act to a man who loves her? That makes her adultery exceedingly adulterous; her abomination to be exceedingly abominatious and her wickedness exceedingly wicked.” Drawing on the scenario of the adulterous woman and her loving husband to explain God’s love for us, Bishop said, “Apply this to our relationship with Jesus, and how our relationship with the world is hatred towards God.” When Bishop underscored how our relationship with the world can draw us away from God, I recalled my parents' words of wisdom: “be careful, the whole world is under the control of the devil.” I also reflected on some bible verses, including ones from my school days: 1 John 2:15 - Do not love the world, or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2: 16 - For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
My eyes filled with tears as I sat through the sermon that Sunday. Isn’t it shameful to disregard God’s love, and also allow the evil ones to taunt God because of his love for us? Imagine being engaged in such wayward acts, and actions that are considered exceedingly adulterous, or exceedingly abomination and or wickedness that is exceedingly wicked. If Spiritual adultery grieves the heart of God, and makes him jealous, I can’t help wondering about other acts that are more unrefined. It hurts. Doesn’t it? Imagine when we give ourselves so freely to the ones we love, and our love is unacknowledged, and sometimes disregarded, and shunned. Think about that for a second. If it hurts us as human beings, think about God who created us, he looked at us, and smile thinking about the wonderful things he has planned for our lives. He invests in us, and watches us grow. Of course, he is jealous of us, because he wants the best for us. James 4: 5 says – “Or do you think the Scripture means nothing when it says that the Spirit that God caused to live in us jealously yearns for us?” He tries to protect us from the evils of the world, but then along the way, we turn our backs, and we get deeply entrenched in the world. God loves us so much, and he has made a lot of investment in each of us. That is why his jealously should be understood. God placed within us his Holy Spirit, God wants to see us prosper and not fail; God is jealous because he considers our body his temple, and not something to be tampered with by any acts that will make us unclean. Isn’t it therefore reasonable that he is jealous, and feels dishonored when we are deeply seduced by the world?
Bishop Johnson then talked about ways we can learn to live right with God. As I listened to the sermon, I began asking myself many questions: How does the world destroy our lives? What is the purpose of my life? Would I want to wear the crown that brings honor or dishonor? Remember Pilgrim, it was during our discussion on those issues and the questions that we began to brainstorm further in ways to walk in His path. We agreed after reading and researching the Word that God did not design the world to make us deny him [God]. Rather, it is when we develop affections for the world, including obsession with the things of the world, anxiety over money, material things and worldly goals; when we believe following God is too restricting, and begin to look for like-minded people who desire temporary pleasures that dishonor our relationship with God, and betray God.
Pilgrim, did you have the time to look at Bible stories and verses on the things of the world, and our relations with God in the following Bible verses: Matt 6:24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” Matt 6:21 “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”
What happens if we are deeply seduced by the World? Bishop Johnson said, while God resists the proud, He is willing to give grace to the humble. Pilgrim, my heart felt heavy when Bishop explained that even when we become Adulterers or adulteresses in our relationship with God, God still loves us. Imagine that! Bishop referred the congregation to James. 4:6 but he gives us more grace. That is why the Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:7 states, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:8 also says: “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
Pilgrim, after our discussion on the topic, I thought about out struggles with the system of the world, and all I could do was pray to God. My prayers went in this fashion:
Dear God, I open my heart to you, and ask that your peace fill me. Give me wisdom, and strength to keep my eyes on you. Give me strength to resist the things of the world. Help me to be Faithful in my service to you dear God. In my marriage and home, provide me strength and honor as my clothing; and a good man who is upright in your sight, and who respects and loves his family. Teach me to always bless my family, and raise my children to grow in your words dear God. Teach me to relax in your loving care, dear God, and to release all my cares to you, knowing that you are upholding me and sustaining me in all that I do. Amen
I look forward to hearing from you Pilgrim, as I continue to feast on His word.
I received your response to my communication. I do hope that someday, you may feel comfortable to post your communication on this medium, so that others may also benefit from our discussions.
In your communication, you proposed that we delve more into the Bible verse, James 4: 4-10, that Bishop Darlingston Johnson used to preach on Adulterers and Adulteresses, and Friendship with the world. Bishop’s theme may not have been “Adulterers and Adulteresses,” but the topic seems appropriate for our discussion. Doesn’t it?
Bishop Johnson drove through his sermon using an anecdote of an adulterous woman, to illustrate how God feels when we move outside of our relationship with him, to become more attracted to the world as a friend. Not Bishop’s exact word, but his story of the adulterous wife went in this manner:
Imagine a woman who’s married to a faithful loving man. But the wife is not prepared to fully give her heart, nor spend her time with her husband. Why did she get married in the first place? Bishop went on to explain that in such relationships, there is the tendency for the person the wife is engage in extra marital affairs with to point at the husband and make derogatory comments such as, “You say you married the woman, but I’m sleeping with her,” or “You have the ring, but I have the woman.” That is the same way it is when we stray in our relationship with Christ. Like the good husband, who has an adulterous wife, God has given him-self fully and completely to us, so it is not unreasonable to give ourselves fully to him. Bishop said, “When we engage is adultery or adulterous act, by our actions, we become the enemy. God doesn’t hate us, but by our actions we are the enemy.”
Bishop went onto portray what an adulterous woman’s action is like: The adulterous woman’s extra martial affair is a demonstration of dishonor, towards her husband, who loves his wife, and a destruction of the relationship. By being adulterous, the wife demonstrates hatred; she brings dishonor, and ultimate betrayal and shame to the husband and the relationship, as well as her family.
Pilgrim, the adulterous woman is aware of her husband’s love for her, and like us, we tend to take advantage of God’s love for us by engaging in extra ordinary sins like the adulterous wife. We exploit God’s love and mercy by living an adulterous lifestyle. Bishop said, “As bad as it is for a woman to engage in an adulterous act to a man even if he is not the best man, can you imagine that it is exceedingly wicked for a woman to engage in adulterous act to a man who loves her? That makes her adultery exceedingly adulterous; her abomination to be exceedingly abominatious and her wickedness exceedingly wicked.” Drawing on the scenario of the adulterous woman and her loving husband to explain God’s love for us, Bishop said, “Apply this to our relationship with Jesus, and how our relationship with the world is hatred towards God.” When Bishop underscored how our relationship with the world can draw us away from God, I recalled my parents' words of wisdom: “be careful, the whole world is under the control of the devil.” I also reflected on some bible verses, including ones from my school days: 1 John 2:15 - Do not love the world, or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2: 16 - For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
My eyes filled with tears as I sat through the sermon that Sunday. Isn’t it shameful to disregard God’s love, and also allow the evil ones to taunt God because of his love for us? Imagine being engaged in such wayward acts, and actions that are considered exceedingly adulterous, or exceedingly abomination and or wickedness that is exceedingly wicked. If Spiritual adultery grieves the heart of God, and makes him jealous, I can’t help wondering about other acts that are more unrefined. It hurts. Doesn’t it? Imagine when we give ourselves so freely to the ones we love, and our love is unacknowledged, and sometimes disregarded, and shunned. Think about that for a second. If it hurts us as human beings, think about God who created us, he looked at us, and smile thinking about the wonderful things he has planned for our lives. He invests in us, and watches us grow. Of course, he is jealous of us, because he wants the best for us. James 4: 5 says – “Or do you think the Scripture means nothing when it says that the Spirit that God caused to live in us jealously yearns for us?” He tries to protect us from the evils of the world, but then along the way, we turn our backs, and we get deeply entrenched in the world. God loves us so much, and he has made a lot of investment in each of us. That is why his jealously should be understood. God placed within us his Holy Spirit, God wants to see us prosper and not fail; God is jealous because he considers our body his temple, and not something to be tampered with by any acts that will make us unclean. Isn’t it therefore reasonable that he is jealous, and feels dishonored when we are deeply seduced by the world?
Bishop Johnson then talked about ways we can learn to live right with God. As I listened to the sermon, I began asking myself many questions: How does the world destroy our lives? What is the purpose of my life? Would I want to wear the crown that brings honor or dishonor? Remember Pilgrim, it was during our discussion on those issues and the questions that we began to brainstorm further in ways to walk in His path. We agreed after reading and researching the Word that God did not design the world to make us deny him [God]. Rather, it is when we develop affections for the world, including obsession with the things of the world, anxiety over money, material things and worldly goals; when we believe following God is too restricting, and begin to look for like-minded people who desire temporary pleasures that dishonor our relationship with God, and betray God.
Pilgrim, did you have the time to look at Bible stories and verses on the things of the world, and our relations with God in the following Bible verses: Matt 6:24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” Matt 6:21 “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”
What happens if we are deeply seduced by the World? Bishop Johnson said, while God resists the proud, He is willing to give grace to the humble. Pilgrim, my heart felt heavy when Bishop explained that even when we become Adulterers or adulteresses in our relationship with God, God still loves us. Imagine that! Bishop referred the congregation to James. 4:6 but he gives us more grace. That is why the Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:7 states, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:8 also says: “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
Pilgrim, after our discussion on the topic, I thought about out struggles with the system of the world, and all I could do was pray to God. My prayers went in this fashion:
Dear God, I open my heart to you, and ask that your peace fill me. Give me wisdom, and strength to keep my eyes on you. Give me strength to resist the things of the world. Help me to be Faithful in my service to you dear God. In my marriage and home, provide me strength and honor as my clothing; and a good man who is upright in your sight, and who respects and loves his family. Teach me to always bless my family, and raise my children to grow in your words dear God. Teach me to relax in your loving care, dear God, and to release all my cares to you, knowing that you are upholding me and sustaining me in all that I do. Amen
I look forward to hearing from you Pilgrim, as I continue to feast on His word.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Dialogue: Is Forgiveness About Setting Yourself Free
Dear Pilgrim,
I received your recent phone text message about forgiveness. You wanted to know about the importance of forgiveness, and how it relates to God’s Word. I’m certain that your inquiry is not just about the many Bible verses on forgiveness. Am I right? I did a little personal search in the Bible on forgiveness and came out with few, including the following: John 2:9: Mat 6:12, Rom 12:19.
As I skimmed through just a few of the numerous Bible verses, my mind became filled with some of the challenging situations we faced, and how these situations negatively affected our lives, and the lives of our families. Since reflection on these situations became overwhelming, I decided to reach out to my pastor, Bishop Johnson, and other friends. My pastor was unavailable. I then diverted my course, and stopped at my friend’s home. Old man Tony was sitting on his porch with his usual volumes of books. As I approached his porch, Old man Tony shifted his glasses, allowing it to reach the edge of his nose. He then tilted his head downward as he peered in my direction. “Hi MaMus, what brought you here this afternoon,” he said with a broad infectious smile. I looked at Old man Tony; my face took on a moment’s smile. “I want to cross reference some issues with you, Mr. Tony,” I said walking briskly towards him.
“Oh, come and sit besides me, you know you can always come over. But I hope I can help you with whatever you want to talk about,” Old man Tony said, as he quickly tossed over some books from a baboon chair nearby. I quickly stole a glance at the books, the magazines, and papers Old man Tony had easily hurled from the chair he now pushed my way.
I sat down in the chair, leaned backward, and immediately became a part of Old man Tony’s environment. We chatted briefly about the books he had been reading, he skimmed at the books I carried, as we slowly transitioned to the purpose of my unannounced visit.
Old man Tony’s eyes warmed when I brought out the issue of “Forgiveness,” I asked, to what extend can forgiveness impact our personal and spiritual lives. I then elaborated a bit on my own understanding of Forgiveness. I made reference to the Bible, and some of the basic teachings. I explained some of the things in church and out of church, for instance about the creed: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins." I then told Old man Tony that when I prayed the Lord’s Prayer, rather than say “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, “I say, “And forgive me my trespasses, and teach me to forgive those who trespass against me.” As unorthodox as it may sound, or appear, I look to God for strength, and guidance in my pursuit of forgiveness, and to let the past remain the past, because pulling on the ugly past takes away my focus from the present, and the future.
Old man Tony gently stroke his beardless chin, he tapped his pen on the temple of his head, and said, “Forgiveness in a tricky issue, and God is aware of the importance of us learning to forgive. It is hard MaMus. It is perhaps not so hard to forgive a single injury, but to forgive incessant provocations- to keep on forgiving the bossy sister, the bullying and abusive husband, the nagging wife, the distrustful spouse, the selfish children, and the deceitful friend. How do we do it,” Old man Tony said the words easily as he stared far ahead? And then the momentary silence that perhaps was less than a second was eering, and felt like 65 minutes. I stared in the direction of Old man Tony, but my thoughts were occupied by own experiences during my pregnancy, and when I had my Child – the bullying, the physical cruelty, the emotional mistreatment, and other deliberate and brutal aggressions. Deep down in my heart, I pity the aggressors, and that means for me, I no longer hope to revenge their deliberate and cruel treatment against me and my son. It did take me a while, and by that, I mean several years to reach this point. I then reached for Old man Tony’s Bible; I quickly turned the pages to Rom 12:14-21, which I paraphrased to understand as “Don't pay back bad with bad to anyone. See that your behavior is above criticism. Never take vengeance into your own hands, says the Lord: stand back and let God do the punishment if he will. For it is written: "It is mine to avenge, I will repay," says the Lord. And it is also written. Don't allow yourself to be overpowered by evil. Take the offensive--overpower evil with good.”
Old man Tony then looked at me and said, “You have got the answers, so why come to me?” I then informed him that I had a discussion with another Pilgrim, whose views about forgiveness sounded complex. I quickly referred to one of my favorites author, Max Lucado word on forgiveness, "Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realizing you were the prisoner!" .
Old man Tony then uttered another of Max Lucado powerful statements from his [Lucado’s] book When God Whispers Your Name, “The past does not have to be your prison. You have a voice in your destiny. You have a say in your life. You have a choice in the path you take."
We laughed, because I have read a lot of Lucado’s book, including, When God Whispers Your Name, but little did I know that Old man Tony also read Lucado’s work.
Our similar interests brought a sense of easy informality and to our discussion. I had known that we both read T.D Jakes, Joyce Meyers, and Jill Rigby, among other line of authors, but apparently both of us didn’t feel the need to push the other about including new authors on our book lists.
Old man Tony asked, "which of Lucado's books did you first read?" I responded, "The first Lucado’s book I read was, Six Hours One Friday: Living the Power of the Cross. While reading that book, I got the Lucado’s bug because of two key things: the richness of the materials, and his writing style. Since then I have read almost all of Lucado’s books, including, “Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference, He Chose the Nails: What God Did to Claim Your Heart, Traveling Light: Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear , A Gentle Thunder: Hearing God Through the Storm, Come Thirsty/Traveling Light/Next Door Savior: Three Life Changing Books in One Volume,” among many others.
Old man Tony then reverted to our topic by cleverly asking, “How do you know when you have forgiven?” I was stunned by the directness of his question, but I quickly went deep within, and carefully chose words and phrases that I hope would convey my position on the issue: I sometimes feel that I know that I am in the midst of forgiveness because I no longer want to revenge, and I sense a sort of freedom. I look at where I am today. Before today, I envisioned the sort of revenge I would take on those who deliberately pursued and hurt me and my son. At that time, I was bitter and felt imprisoned, but today I pity the aggressors, and I feel sorry for the perpetrators. However, my level of forgiveness doesn’t mean that I trust those who were calculative in brutally hurting us. No, No, don’t get me wrong Old man Tony. The world is filled with evil, and my forgiveness doesn’t mean those who trespassed against us have in any way recognized the effect of their actions on me, an unborn child, and later an innocent child. They may, or may not be quite aware of the level of effects their ill actions had on my son but, that's not the issue. The issue is where I am today. I am moving forward, taking the necessary actions to heal our wounds, and live a purposeful life.
As I spoke, Old man Tony sat attentively, looking deeply in my face. I paused, in the hope that he would comment, but he said, "go on."
And I continued, " As I was saying, when I sought revenge, I was bitter, but now, I realized that I was imprisoned because of their actions, but they lived their lives; and I gradually reached where I am, and vowed not to get my path interrupted.”
Old man Tony then asked, "supposed they try contacting you" I responded, , "I did received a communication recently, and have taken the necessary steps regarding such actions. I had thought that they knew better than to make any such attempt. That's because our situation was beyond minimal, it was incessant and required the intervention of groups that dealt with such situations."
As I spoke, Old man Tony kept a hint of smile on his face, and nodded. Old man Tony then asked me, "what specificially helped you reach the level you are at in your forgiveness? I responded, “In the past, I tried, putting all my efforts into understanding why our aggressors did what they did, but later I learned that to try to understand their frame of mind, and to figure out the Why would be futile. I then recognized, after talking to trusted people, listening to others, and reading that a life well lived is my best revenge, or to be out it nicely, my best course of action. Instead of focusing on my wounded feelings and fears, which would mean giving the giving, the person(s) who caused me pain power over my life, I learned to look for peace, beauty and kindness, and embrace love around me. And my philosophy is that Forgiveness is a personal weapon that gives personal power.”
Old man Tony then heaved a sigh of relief. He pushed his glasses off, dangling it in one hand. He gazed, then took in a deep breathe, pulled himself forward in his chair, as if to reach my ears. Then he said, “Look he said, I am not your Pastor, and I think your Pastor, and the Church Ministers have their own challenges with Forgiveness. But I can tell you where I am at when it comes to forgiveness. I believe God knows our weakness, and try as much as we can; it all boils down to whether we can trust those who hurt us. I can give water to the person or persons who deliberately hurt me badly. I can offer a ride to the person who was disloyal to me, or betrayed me. I can buy groceries for an ex. I can tell my ex wife that I will help pay her car insurance bill, but does that mean she can become my wife again. Can I get into partnership with a ex business partner who planned, then took the time to reach the bank, sign a check, cash the check and diverted the funds into their personal bank account without my knowledge?”
Old man Tony, sat back, erect in his chair, and continued, “In my view, Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person that hurt you, or overlooking of their action. What I am after is to find peace. In my opinion, Forgiveness can be defined as the "peace and understanding that come from blaming that which has hurt you less, taking the life experience less personally, and changing your grievance story."
With that, Old man Tony, sat back in his seat and began tapping his pen on the edge of his seat. He gave me a wide smile, and our discussion moved from religion to politics. We chatted on a wide range of issues.
I left Old man Tony’s home with a lot to ponder about on forgiveness. I do hope my thoughts, and my discussion with Old man Tony will also provide someone insights on the challenge of Forgiveness.
I received your recent phone text message about forgiveness. You wanted to know about the importance of forgiveness, and how it relates to God’s Word. I’m certain that your inquiry is not just about the many Bible verses on forgiveness. Am I right? I did a little personal search in the Bible on forgiveness and came out with few, including the following: John 2:9: Mat 6:12, Rom 12:19.
As I skimmed through just a few of the numerous Bible verses, my mind became filled with some of the challenging situations we faced, and how these situations negatively affected our lives, and the lives of our families. Since reflection on these situations became overwhelming, I decided to reach out to my pastor, Bishop Johnson, and other friends. My pastor was unavailable. I then diverted my course, and stopped at my friend’s home. Old man Tony was sitting on his porch with his usual volumes of books. As I approached his porch, Old man Tony shifted his glasses, allowing it to reach the edge of his nose. He then tilted his head downward as he peered in my direction. “Hi MaMus, what brought you here this afternoon,” he said with a broad infectious smile. I looked at Old man Tony; my face took on a moment’s smile. “I want to cross reference some issues with you, Mr. Tony,” I said walking briskly towards him.
“Oh, come and sit besides me, you know you can always come over. But I hope I can help you with whatever you want to talk about,” Old man Tony said, as he quickly tossed over some books from a baboon chair nearby. I quickly stole a glance at the books, the magazines, and papers Old man Tony had easily hurled from the chair he now pushed my way.
I sat down in the chair, leaned backward, and immediately became a part of Old man Tony’s environment. We chatted briefly about the books he had been reading, he skimmed at the books I carried, as we slowly transitioned to the purpose of my unannounced visit.
Old man Tony’s eyes warmed when I brought out the issue of “Forgiveness,” I asked, to what extend can forgiveness impact our personal and spiritual lives. I then elaborated a bit on my own understanding of Forgiveness. I made reference to the Bible, and some of the basic teachings. I explained some of the things in church and out of church, for instance about the creed: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins." I then told Old man Tony that when I prayed the Lord’s Prayer, rather than say “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, “I say, “And forgive me my trespasses, and teach me to forgive those who trespass against me.” As unorthodox as it may sound, or appear, I look to God for strength, and guidance in my pursuit of forgiveness, and to let the past remain the past, because pulling on the ugly past takes away my focus from the present, and the future.
Old man Tony gently stroke his beardless chin, he tapped his pen on the temple of his head, and said, “Forgiveness in a tricky issue, and God is aware of the importance of us learning to forgive. It is hard MaMus. It is perhaps not so hard to forgive a single injury, but to forgive incessant provocations- to keep on forgiving the bossy sister, the bullying and abusive husband, the nagging wife, the distrustful spouse, the selfish children, and the deceitful friend. How do we do it,” Old man Tony said the words easily as he stared far ahead? And then the momentary silence that perhaps was less than a second was eering, and felt like 65 minutes. I stared in the direction of Old man Tony, but my thoughts were occupied by own experiences during my pregnancy, and when I had my Child – the bullying, the physical cruelty, the emotional mistreatment, and other deliberate and brutal aggressions. Deep down in my heart, I pity the aggressors, and that means for me, I no longer hope to revenge their deliberate and cruel treatment against me and my son. It did take me a while, and by that, I mean several years to reach this point. I then reached for Old man Tony’s Bible; I quickly turned the pages to Rom 12:14-21, which I paraphrased to understand as “Don't pay back bad with bad to anyone. See that your behavior is above criticism. Never take vengeance into your own hands, says the Lord: stand back and let God do the punishment if he will. For it is written: "It is mine to avenge, I will repay," says the Lord. And it is also written. Don't allow yourself to be overpowered by evil. Take the offensive--overpower evil with good.”
Old man Tony then looked at me and said, “You have got the answers, so why come to me?” I then informed him that I had a discussion with another Pilgrim, whose views about forgiveness sounded complex. I quickly referred to one of my favorites author, Max Lucado word on forgiveness, "Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realizing you were the prisoner!" .
Old man Tony then uttered another of Max Lucado powerful statements from his [Lucado’s] book When God Whispers Your Name, “The past does not have to be your prison. You have a voice in your destiny. You have a say in your life. You have a choice in the path you take."
We laughed, because I have read a lot of Lucado’s book, including, When God Whispers Your Name, but little did I know that Old man Tony also read Lucado’s work.
Our similar interests brought a sense of easy informality and to our discussion. I had known that we both read T.D Jakes, Joyce Meyers, and Jill Rigby, among other line of authors, but apparently both of us didn’t feel the need to push the other about including new authors on our book lists.
Old man Tony asked, "which of Lucado's books did you first read?" I responded, "The first Lucado’s book I read was, Six Hours One Friday: Living the Power of the Cross. While reading that book, I got the Lucado’s bug because of two key things: the richness of the materials, and his writing style. Since then I have read almost all of Lucado’s books, including, “Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference, He Chose the Nails: What God Did to Claim Your Heart, Traveling Light: Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear , A Gentle Thunder: Hearing God Through the Storm, Come Thirsty/Traveling Light/Next Door Savior: Three Life Changing Books in One Volume,” among many others.
Old man Tony then reverted to our topic by cleverly asking, “How do you know when you have forgiven?” I was stunned by the directness of his question, but I quickly went deep within, and carefully chose words and phrases that I hope would convey my position on the issue: I sometimes feel that I know that I am in the midst of forgiveness because I no longer want to revenge, and I sense a sort of freedom. I look at where I am today. Before today, I envisioned the sort of revenge I would take on those who deliberately pursued and hurt me and my son. At that time, I was bitter and felt imprisoned, but today I pity the aggressors, and I feel sorry for the perpetrators. However, my level of forgiveness doesn’t mean that I trust those who were calculative in brutally hurting us. No, No, don’t get me wrong Old man Tony. The world is filled with evil, and my forgiveness doesn’t mean those who trespassed against us have in any way recognized the effect of their actions on me, an unborn child, and later an innocent child. They may, or may not be quite aware of the level of effects their ill actions had on my son but, that's not the issue. The issue is where I am today. I am moving forward, taking the necessary actions to heal our wounds, and live a purposeful life.
As I spoke, Old man Tony sat attentively, looking deeply in my face. I paused, in the hope that he would comment, but he said, "go on."
And I continued, " As I was saying, when I sought revenge, I was bitter, but now, I realized that I was imprisoned because of their actions, but they lived their lives; and I gradually reached where I am, and vowed not to get my path interrupted.”
Old man Tony then asked, "supposed they try contacting you" I responded, , "I did received a communication recently, and have taken the necessary steps regarding such actions. I had thought that they knew better than to make any such attempt. That's because our situation was beyond minimal, it was incessant and required the intervention of groups that dealt with such situations."
As I spoke, Old man Tony kept a hint of smile on his face, and nodded. Old man Tony then asked me, "what specificially helped you reach the level you are at in your forgiveness? I responded, “In the past, I tried, putting all my efforts into understanding why our aggressors did what they did, but later I learned that to try to understand their frame of mind, and to figure out the Why would be futile. I then recognized, after talking to trusted people, listening to others, and reading that a life well lived is my best revenge, or to be out it nicely, my best course of action. Instead of focusing on my wounded feelings and fears, which would mean giving the giving, the person(s) who caused me pain power over my life, I learned to look for peace, beauty and kindness, and embrace love around me. And my philosophy is that Forgiveness is a personal weapon that gives personal power.”
Old man Tony then heaved a sigh of relief. He pushed his glasses off, dangling it in one hand. He gazed, then took in a deep breathe, pulled himself forward in his chair, as if to reach my ears. Then he said, “Look he said, I am not your Pastor, and I think your Pastor, and the Church Ministers have their own challenges with Forgiveness. But I can tell you where I am at when it comes to forgiveness. I believe God knows our weakness, and try as much as we can; it all boils down to whether we can trust those who hurt us. I can give water to the person or persons who deliberately hurt me badly. I can offer a ride to the person who was disloyal to me, or betrayed me. I can buy groceries for an ex. I can tell my ex wife that I will help pay her car insurance bill, but does that mean she can become my wife again. Can I get into partnership with a ex business partner who planned, then took the time to reach the bank, sign a check, cash the check and diverted the funds into their personal bank account without my knowledge?”
Old man Tony, sat back, erect in his chair, and continued, “In my view, Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person that hurt you, or overlooking of their action. What I am after is to find peace. In my opinion, Forgiveness can be defined as the "peace and understanding that come from blaming that which has hurt you less, taking the life experience less personally, and changing your grievance story."
With that, Old man Tony, sat back in his seat and began tapping his pen on the edge of his seat. He gave me a wide smile, and our discussion moved from religion to politics. We chatted on a wide range of issues.
I left Old man Tony’s home with a lot to ponder about on forgiveness. I do hope my thoughts, and my discussion with Old man Tony will also provide someone insights on the challenge of Forgiveness.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Keeping the Hotline Open!
Dear Pilgrim,
Thanks you for the words of encouragement. In spite the challenges you face on this journey, I want to admonish you “do not give up.” It may be dark at this time, but remember that the morning comes, and it comes with the rising of the sun.
In addition to your communications, I also received several mails from others who're also on a journey of religious devotion. One set of communications that caught my attention came from a lady, who’s interesting in understanding a personal situation she faces, and how it relates to my “Petition” prayer.
Francine, the lady, send her questions and concerns in several parts. However, I selected one part of her several letters to discuss some salient issues we experience on this journey. Now, let’s look at an excerpt of Ms. Francine’s note:
Dear Musue
I'm in love with a guy. I'm still in love with him even more. We make love, but he doesn't kiss me. I want him to kiss me so bad and in your petition it says never be anxious for anything. My heart yearn for for his love I cant sleep at night sometimes I find myself crying because I fell in love again and it hurts me what do I do I pray even when I pray my feeling stays the same he ask me once was it lust or love I couldn't answer then but I think it's love cause it's hurting my heart staying away from him and acting like I dont care even though i think about him day and night and even while I was reading your PETITION. How can I let him know? What should I do here?
While the excerpt of Francine’s letter above (also within the comment's box of my last post) will serve as the focal point of our communication, we will also delve in other extenuating situations that will set the premise for expounding on other related issues.
When Francine sent her first communication, I did respond to some of her questions, and concerns. However, as our communication continued, I asked whether her concerns could be used to set the premise for this communication. Francine agreed, and has been awaiting this communication.
However, my first reminder to Francine was that I am not a professional Biblical Counselor; I am not a Minister of Divinity, neither am I a Psychologist, nor an expert at resolving relationship issues. However, with the help of my beloved husband, and some of the things I have learned since being married to this wonderful man, as well as my own experience on this spiritual journey, I anticipate that my open thinking and yours can serve as a stage for discussing and expanding our ideas on the issue.
Pilgrim, here we find ourselves. On our own journeys, we also experience relationship's issue, maybe not the kind of situation Francine faces, but we as human beings are interdependent, and therefore we interact with people, and in most cases, at different levels. I do interact with my husband, and our interaction varies: we interact as married couples; we interact professionally when we become enthusiastically engrossed in our works, we interact as negotiators, we interact as educators; and the list goes on. We also interact when we fellowship, and study the bible for spiritual growth. There’s no boundary to how we interact, and the depth of our interactions. And in our interactions, we communicate.
When I read Francine’s comments, one key element jumped at me: communication. Her reluctance to express her feelings to the person she is involved with points to a key problem in the relationship. And why is this lack of communication a problem?
Communication is important is every relationship. In our relationship with God, we communicate through prayers, fellowship, reading His Word, and discussing the Bible with others. God communicates with us using a wide variety of medium, and also through His words. When we fail to communicate with God, we begin to slide in our journey, and in our relationship with God. Likewise, if I fail to communicate with my husband, our relationship begins to experience bumps. Like Francine who probably assumed that (those we interact with) her male lover knows what’s in her mind, many of use also assume God knows what we are thinking; and the other person knows exactly what we are thinking. That’s a mistake. Remember that, we human beings are not crystal balls to read the other person’s mind. In the case of God, John 14; 14 state: Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it! Can you ask without communicating? Obviously, that is impossible. And for us human beings, we don’t have the luxury of using a crystal ball to determine each other’s thoughts. That is why we need to spend time telling each other exactly what we want, how we feel, and what we think. That is the inportance of communication. The importance of effective communication becomes evident when dealing with members of the other sex.
I hope that an opened and warm communication will give Francine and her male friend the opportunity to discuss the ultimate goal, if any for their relationship; the kind of relationship they desire, and what they wish to accomplish. As individuals, the values they hold, and what values they can share, including spirituality. Are they fishing, or looking to keep? And one big element is loyalty, and support, which I do not in anyway intend to impose, but I believe it is crucial. I see loyalty and support as fundamental yardsticks for the value a person holds; their perception of themselves, and the level of regard they have for their partner, and their family. Once loyalty becomes a question, trust becomes an issue, then the relationship is empty, futile, and morelike irrelevant, and for me a deadbeat. That is why i consider communication as not only important, but priceless. Verbal and non verbal Communication provides the platform for people to talk, chat, joke, and it is during such times, we learned about the things others value, the lives they live, their aspirations, and where or whather you are in their future, or part of their vision. It is also at such time you can determine whether you want to be where they want to place you. Do you want to be fished, or to be a part of their future? I can't answer that for you?
In our relationship with God, he places us on the pedestal, proud for all the world to see that he loves us. He also tell us about where we stand in his plan. God's promises for us are many, including "Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God has promised that all things work together for good to those who love and serve Him faithfully (Romans 8:28).So God wants us to loove Him Faithfully. The word faithfully, according to the Roget's dictionary, the synonyms and meaning for faithfully includes, devotedly , lovingly, attentively, supportively, fondly, and not partially, or in bits.
Regarding my Petition prayer, I will urge Francine, as I encourage myself, to delve more into the Word of God for comfort, and also begin to lean more on God for wisdom and strength in facing our everyday challenges. We all go through trials and tribulations during our lives. There's not a single person in this world, who has not experienced an awful or terrible situation. However, the difference lies in how we handle, and cope with these situations. How do you handle the situations you face? How do I cope with my challenges? We deal with our situations differently, but the question becomes: Should we allow these upsetting, or traumatic events to shake our faith or to strengthen it! Let's quickly look again at Romans 8:28: "In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Sometimes it is difficult to embrace this promise, but we must learn to trust him. To continue to hold on to his promises, I draw strength and courage from my experiences, and how he helped me overcome and or successfully face those situations.
As painful as our situations may be, as shameful as they appear, we must readily remember that we will come out victorious if we put our trust in Him. Of course during the dark periods, when it feels like we are in the rough waters we must crawl, and grasp His hand; we must feed on his promises, we must move our lips and call his name, because he is waiting to hear from us. Matthew 11:28 states: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest," and in Jeremiah 31:25, "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
So you see Pilgrim, in our relationship with others, and with God, communicatio is important. Communication is the impetus to every successful relationship' it is the hotline, so let's keep it alive, let's keep it open!
Thanks you for the words of encouragement. In spite the challenges you face on this journey, I want to admonish you “do not give up.” It may be dark at this time, but remember that the morning comes, and it comes with the rising of the sun.
In addition to your communications, I also received several mails from others who're also on a journey of religious devotion. One set of communications that caught my attention came from a lady, who’s interesting in understanding a personal situation she faces, and how it relates to my “Petition” prayer.
Francine, the lady, send her questions and concerns in several parts. However, I selected one part of her several letters to discuss some salient issues we experience on this journey. Now, let’s look at an excerpt of Ms. Francine’s note:
Dear Musue
I'm in love with a guy. I'm still in love with him even more. We make love, but he doesn't kiss me. I want him to kiss me so bad and in your petition it says never be anxious for anything. My heart yearn for for his love I cant sleep at night sometimes I find myself crying because I fell in love again and it hurts me what do I do I pray even when I pray my feeling stays the same he ask me once was it lust or love I couldn't answer then but I think it's love cause it's hurting my heart staying away from him and acting like I dont care even though i think about him day and night and even while I was reading your PETITION. How can I let him know? What should I do here?
While the excerpt of Francine’s letter above (also within the comment's box of my last post) will serve as the focal point of our communication, we will also delve in other extenuating situations that will set the premise for expounding on other related issues.
When Francine sent her first communication, I did respond to some of her questions, and concerns. However, as our communication continued, I asked whether her concerns could be used to set the premise for this communication. Francine agreed, and has been awaiting this communication.
However, my first reminder to Francine was that I am not a professional Biblical Counselor; I am not a Minister of Divinity, neither am I a Psychologist, nor an expert at resolving relationship issues. However, with the help of my beloved husband, and some of the things I have learned since being married to this wonderful man, as well as my own experience on this spiritual journey, I anticipate that my open thinking and yours can serve as a stage for discussing and expanding our ideas on the issue.
Pilgrim, here we find ourselves. On our own journeys, we also experience relationship's issue, maybe not the kind of situation Francine faces, but we as human beings are interdependent, and therefore we interact with people, and in most cases, at different levels. I do interact with my husband, and our interaction varies: we interact as married couples; we interact professionally when we become enthusiastically engrossed in our works, we interact as negotiators, we interact as educators; and the list goes on. We also interact when we fellowship, and study the bible for spiritual growth. There’s no boundary to how we interact, and the depth of our interactions. And in our interactions, we communicate.
When I read Francine’s comments, one key element jumped at me: communication. Her reluctance to express her feelings to the person she is involved with points to a key problem in the relationship. And why is this lack of communication a problem?
Communication is important is every relationship. In our relationship with God, we communicate through prayers, fellowship, reading His Word, and discussing the Bible with others. God communicates with us using a wide variety of medium, and also through His words. When we fail to communicate with God, we begin to slide in our journey, and in our relationship with God. Likewise, if I fail to communicate with my husband, our relationship begins to experience bumps. Like Francine who probably assumed that (those we interact with) her male lover knows what’s in her mind, many of use also assume God knows what we are thinking; and the other person knows exactly what we are thinking. That’s a mistake. Remember that, we human beings are not crystal balls to read the other person’s mind. In the case of God, John 14; 14 state: Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it! Can you ask without communicating? Obviously, that is impossible. And for us human beings, we don’t have the luxury of using a crystal ball to determine each other’s thoughts. That is why we need to spend time telling each other exactly what we want, how we feel, and what we think. That is the inportance of communication. The importance of effective communication becomes evident when dealing with members of the other sex.
I hope that an opened and warm communication will give Francine and her male friend the opportunity to discuss the ultimate goal, if any for their relationship; the kind of relationship they desire, and what they wish to accomplish. As individuals, the values they hold, and what values they can share, including spirituality. Are they fishing, or looking to keep? And one big element is loyalty, and support, which I do not in anyway intend to impose, but I believe it is crucial. I see loyalty and support as fundamental yardsticks for the value a person holds; their perception of themselves, and the level of regard they have for their partner, and their family. Once loyalty becomes a question, trust becomes an issue, then the relationship is empty, futile, and morelike irrelevant, and for me a deadbeat. That is why i consider communication as not only important, but priceless. Verbal and non verbal Communication provides the platform for people to talk, chat, joke, and it is during such times, we learned about the things others value, the lives they live, their aspirations, and where or whather you are in their future, or part of their vision. It is also at such time you can determine whether you want to be where they want to place you. Do you want to be fished, or to be a part of their future? I can't answer that for you?
In our relationship with God, he places us on the pedestal, proud for all the world to see that he loves us. He also tell us about where we stand in his plan. God's promises for us are many, including "Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God has promised that all things work together for good to those who love and serve Him faithfully (Romans 8:28).So God wants us to loove Him Faithfully. The word faithfully, according to the Roget's dictionary, the synonyms and meaning for faithfully includes, devotedly , lovingly, attentively, supportively, fondly, and not partially, or in bits.
Regarding my Petition prayer, I will urge Francine, as I encourage myself, to delve more into the Word of God for comfort, and also begin to lean more on God for wisdom and strength in facing our everyday challenges. We all go through trials and tribulations during our lives. There's not a single person in this world, who has not experienced an awful or terrible situation. However, the difference lies in how we handle, and cope with these situations. How do you handle the situations you face? How do I cope with my challenges? We deal with our situations differently, but the question becomes: Should we allow these upsetting, or traumatic events to shake our faith or to strengthen it! Let's quickly look again at Romans 8:28: "In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Sometimes it is difficult to embrace this promise, but we must learn to trust him. To continue to hold on to his promises, I draw strength and courage from my experiences, and how he helped me overcome and or successfully face those situations.
As painful as our situations may be, as shameful as they appear, we must readily remember that we will come out victorious if we put our trust in Him. Of course during the dark periods, when it feels like we are in the rough waters we must crawl, and grasp His hand; we must feed on his promises, we must move our lips and call his name, because he is waiting to hear from us. Matthew 11:28 states: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest," and in Jeremiah 31:25, "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
So you see Pilgrim, in our relationship with others, and with God, communicatio is important. Communication is the impetus to every successful relationship' it is the hotline, so let's keep it alive, let's keep it open!
Friday, February 4, 2011
My Petition
Dear Pilgrim,
Here is my most recent Petition, based on Philippians 4:6, which states “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, [emphasis mine] with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” I hope the verse(Philippians 4:6), and my petition below motivate you to also develop you own ways to communicate and grow spiritually. I try to ask Him to reign in every areas of my life. Believe me, I falter and wander away all the time. But we must learn to ask Him for strength to keep our eyes on him, and or return to him. I have learned that on this journey, we may experience distortions and distractions, we may come in contact with sleazy ones cloak as His messengers but we must ask Him to open our hearts, open our eyes, our hands, and ears to recognize His, and only things from him, and ask him to guide our feet so that we can remain on his path.
This Petition, which I tried drafting last night, but could not because of some technical problems, until this morning comes from a dire need, and as I started drafting prayers, I am sure He watched with a smile on his face - my fears, my doubts, and even the mistakes that I made. My composition and constant revision of my bullet point requests might have caught his attention. I am a weakner when it comes to identifying my weakness and fully releasing my concerns, but I still try to release them to Him. I anticipate that Today marks a new day in all I have put forth, and I claim it all, amen.
For me, my dear Pilgrim, a Petition is another wonderful experience on this journey; it is a moment of meditation, and deliberations on His words. During those moments of mediation, he is watching, and listening, even to our inner thoughts, while we skim through pages of His words, mull over our choices of words, write, delete and rewrite.
My petition below:
Father, thank you for the time you gave me to write this prayer as a petition to you. Thank you for the opportunity and channel to present this petition to you. I thank you God for accepting me into your family.
This appeal is addressed and brought to God because of His Word, and as the Highest Authority in the Universe, according to Philippians 4:6, which states: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
I am thankful that I can call on God, and petition Him, because God has done great things for me. My account has been identified by the written word, and again I give thanks for His promises to me. [Ps. 136].
So here I come before God to surrender the following concerns and request regarding my well-being, and the wellbeing of my son. I am represented by Jesus Christ, my advocate, in Christ. Satan, his agents, including the evil spirits, and anything outside of God’s Will and outside of God’s Word do not represent me. [Col.1:13.]
With Christ as my advocate, I have the right to be here, and God has the authority to issue a decree in these matters. [Malachi 3:10, Psalm 23]. In addition, God has the authority to provide the relief sought because:
He is my Shepherd, my Jehovah-raah;
He is my God who Provides, my Jehovah-jireh;
He is my God who heals, my Jehovah rophe;
He is my God of Peace, my Jehovah shalom;
and Lord of my Refuge, my Jehovah-nissi.
The reason for His granting my request in full is, because I have a covenant established upon better promises with Him; I am a heir through my agent Jesus, when Jesus sealed it by His blood for this new covenant. [Col.2: 13, 14]
So I come before you, my God, the Highest Authority, and request to be granted the following specific request for relief in all areas of my life, and my son, Michael’s, the child You, God anointed me to parent:
• Give me your strength and health, your wisdom, and patience, your love, and the resources to be a virtuous parent to the child you’ve placed in my care, and all who come before me.
• Remove [easily] from our path all that is not a part of your purpose in our lives, and our destinies.
• Provide a hedge of protection around my son: Your shield to protect him; and your hosts to save him; your eyes to look ahead of him; your might to encourage and look after him, and let him rise today and always through the strength, the guidance and instructions of the Trinity. Send warrior angels to be placed to stand guard against any cracks and openings of protection; deal with any and all beings that harass my son, that cause[d] him grief, or hinder [ed] his development, restore to my son all that have been stolen from him in seven-folds.
• Manifest you presence in our lives as, our provider, our healer, our comforter, and our source of support.
• Grant us uncommon favors, and give us the strength and wisdom to recognize and embrace your favors, and divine opportunities
• Guide us to be over comers; to live victoriously; to grow spiritually & to know you, God intimately
• Grant us your promises so that we can live in supernatural security and supernatural victory, even in the most difficult and dangerous of times.
John 10: 10 says that Satan has come as a thief to steal, kill, destroy, and distortion but Your Promise to me is in Your Word and Your Spirit which you gave me. (Ps.119: 170) This is my petition and my prayer, and I am asking for a judgment, your mercy and grace.
By your Word, your Love, and your promises to me, I have faith that you are with me; I am believing that my request in this Petition shall be granted in full because you silenced the heavens to hear my request. Moreover, your plans for me and my child are " plans for good and not for disaster, to give” me a future and a hope, and you are strengthing me with your powers, your love, and grace. [Jeremiah 29:11, Colossians 1:11].
I cast all of my cares on you, for I know You have heard me, and my requests are granted, as you promised. So therefore it is ordered and adjudged that I receive the relief, and request sought in this petition according to Mark 11: 23, 24.
As you grant judgment in this appeal, be it further decreed that the agents, that is the Holy Spirit, and Your Angels shall implement such findings immediately pursuant to the your Word. Ps.103: 20.
Again, let me say Thank You for all You have done and are doing now. I know you shall continue to bless all who serve you.
Petitioners: Musue Haddad on behalf of my son, Michael and myself Dated:02/04/2011
Here is my most recent Petition, based on Philippians 4:6, which states “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, [emphasis mine] with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” I hope the verse(Philippians 4:6), and my petition below motivate you to also develop you own ways to communicate and grow spiritually. I try to ask Him to reign in every areas of my life. Believe me, I falter and wander away all the time. But we must learn to ask Him for strength to keep our eyes on him, and or return to him. I have learned that on this journey, we may experience distortions and distractions, we may come in contact with sleazy ones cloak as His messengers but we must ask Him to open our hearts, open our eyes, our hands, and ears to recognize His, and only things from him, and ask him to guide our feet so that we can remain on his path.
This Petition, which I tried drafting last night, but could not because of some technical problems, until this morning comes from a dire need, and as I started drafting prayers, I am sure He watched with a smile on his face - my fears, my doubts, and even the mistakes that I made. My composition and constant revision of my bullet point requests might have caught his attention. I am a weakner when it comes to identifying my weakness and fully releasing my concerns, but I still try to release them to Him. I anticipate that Today marks a new day in all I have put forth, and I claim it all, amen.
For me, my dear Pilgrim, a Petition is another wonderful experience on this journey; it is a moment of meditation, and deliberations on His words. During those moments of mediation, he is watching, and listening, even to our inner thoughts, while we skim through pages of His words, mull over our choices of words, write, delete and rewrite.
My petition below:
Father, thank you for the time you gave me to write this prayer as a petition to you. Thank you for the opportunity and channel to present this petition to you. I thank you God for accepting me into your family.
This appeal is addressed and brought to God because of His Word, and as the Highest Authority in the Universe, according to Philippians 4:6, which states: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
I am thankful that I can call on God, and petition Him, because God has done great things for me. My account has been identified by the written word, and again I give thanks for His promises to me. [Ps. 136].
So here I come before God to surrender the following concerns and request regarding my well-being, and the wellbeing of my son. I am represented by Jesus Christ, my advocate, in Christ. Satan, his agents, including the evil spirits, and anything outside of God’s Will and outside of God’s Word do not represent me. [Col.1:13.]
With Christ as my advocate, I have the right to be here, and God has the authority to issue a decree in these matters. [Malachi 3:10, Psalm 23]. In addition, God has the authority to provide the relief sought because:
He is my Shepherd, my Jehovah-raah;
He is my God who Provides, my Jehovah-jireh;
He is my God who heals, my Jehovah rophe;
He is my God of Peace, my Jehovah shalom;
and Lord of my Refuge, my Jehovah-nissi.
The reason for His granting my request in full is, because I have a covenant established upon better promises with Him; I am a heir through my agent Jesus, when Jesus sealed it by His blood for this new covenant. [Col.2: 13, 14]
So I come before you, my God, the Highest Authority, and request to be granted the following specific request for relief in all areas of my life, and my son, Michael’s, the child You, God anointed me to parent:
• Give me your strength and health, your wisdom, and patience, your love, and the resources to be a virtuous parent to the child you’ve placed in my care, and all who come before me.
• Remove [easily] from our path all that is not a part of your purpose in our lives, and our destinies.
• Provide a hedge of protection around my son: Your shield to protect him; and your hosts to save him; your eyes to look ahead of him; your might to encourage and look after him, and let him rise today and always through the strength, the guidance and instructions of the Trinity. Send warrior angels to be placed to stand guard against any cracks and openings of protection; deal with any and all beings that harass my son, that cause[d] him grief, or hinder [ed] his development, restore to my son all that have been stolen from him in seven-folds.
• Manifest you presence in our lives as, our provider, our healer, our comforter, and our source of support.
• Grant us uncommon favors, and give us the strength and wisdom to recognize and embrace your favors, and divine opportunities
• Guide us to be over comers; to live victoriously; to grow spiritually & to know you, God intimately
• Grant us your promises so that we can live in supernatural security and supernatural victory, even in the most difficult and dangerous of times.
John 10: 10 says that Satan has come as a thief to steal, kill, destroy, and distortion but Your Promise to me is in Your Word and Your Spirit which you gave me. (Ps.119: 170) This is my petition and my prayer, and I am asking for a judgment, your mercy and grace.
By your Word, your Love, and your promises to me, I have faith that you are with me; I am believing that my request in this Petition shall be granted in full because you silenced the heavens to hear my request. Moreover, your plans for me and my child are " plans for good and not for disaster, to give” me a future and a hope, and you are strengthing me with your powers, your love, and grace. [Jeremiah 29:11, Colossians 1:11].
I cast all of my cares on you, for I know You have heard me, and my requests are granted, as you promised. So therefore it is ordered and adjudged that I receive the relief, and request sought in this petition according to Mark 11: 23, 24.
As you grant judgment in this appeal, be it further decreed that the agents, that is the Holy Spirit, and Your Angels shall implement such findings immediately pursuant to the your Word. Ps.103: 20.
Again, let me say Thank You for all You have done and are doing now. I know you shall continue to bless all who serve you.
Petitioners: Musue Haddad on behalf of my son, Michael and myself Dated:02/04/2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Ordinary People Can Do Extraordinary Things!
Dear Pilgrim,
I listened as you outlined your responsibilities at home, including taking care of your family, the everyday activities you do. In your own words, “I am an ordinary person; I wish I was a gifted person who does exceptional things.”
Pilgrim, I want you to know that, there are many out there, who feel they are also ordinary persons engaged in 'little things.' Well, for those who feel that they are among the ranks of the nobles, congratulations. For the “ordinary” people,” you may be living an average life; still feel that you haven’t fulfill some purposes in your life. It is also possible that you are considered “no good” and sometimes called “a failure” in the eyes of your peers, and your family.
Don’t cave in, Pilgrim, because God uses his people to do extraordinary things. I learned God doesn't take most of His workers from the ranks of the wise, mighty or noble. First Corinthians 1:26 says, "For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called."
Over the course of the month, Bishop Darlingston Johnson of Bethel Outreach Church spoke on four topics: I will be with You; Becoming God’s Man of Valor; Take Your Stand; and The Sword of the Lord, with focus on Supernatural Victory. In his sermons, Bishop Johnson cited many stories from the Bible, including the birth of Jesus. A popular story, yet some of the key points from the story gave another twist to why God chose Mary. Mary was not a scholar; from all we know, she did not come from the lineage of priestly scholars; she was not wealthy; she was a young, ordinary woman getting ready to be married to a regular carpenter, but God chose Mary to be the mother of the Messiah, Jesus.
Now listen to this Pilgrim. Do you know the first people who went to see baby Jesus? Not the scribes, not religious leaders. No, no, not the Jews either. It was ordinary Shepherds, who carried Gold (wealth) myrrh (anointing oil) frankincense (perfume). The ordinary Shepherds were called and delegated for the extraordinary mission, and they heeded the call. Bishop Johnson concisely illustrated the visit by these ordinary Shepherds: They came; they saw; they worshipped. ‘Why did they worship, what else did they see,”
Bishop elaborated, [Quoting] “John said, ‘the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory.’ Bishop Johnson explained, “The word became flesh means God became man. Bishop continued to describe what the Shepherd saw in Mary’s baby: “Divinity clothed itself in humanity; power dressed itself in weakness; greatness wrapped itself in smallness; the supernatural hid itself in the natural and extraordinary. As they [Shepherds] looked at this ordinary child in the midst of the ordinary surrounding, they saw at another level. Everyone saw a child and saw a baby boy, they [shepherds]looked at humanity, and saw divinity.”
The Shepherds accomplished extraordinary things, because they were seekers after God.
Bishop Johnson also simplified the book of Judges Chapter 6 and 7, which focuses on Gideon, an ordinary man, whose clan was the weakest in Manasseh. Gideon was also the least in his family. Gideon was no warrior. When the Angel of the Lord approached Gideon; he was working his harvest in a secluded area to hide from the Medianites. Gideon an ordinary man was called, and commissioned by God to bring deliverance and freedom to Israel. And he did! Gideon didn’t use swords. With some trumpets, jars and a few faithful men, and acknowledging that the battle was the Lord’s, Gideon delivered Israel.
Let’s move to another story, my dear Pilgrim. Do you remembered the story of David the Shepherd boy who became king? Do, you know that David was not groomed to be a king? David was the least and smallest in his family, left to take care of animals, while his brothers fought in the army. God did extraordinary things through David because David obeyed and trusted God.
Also, in the book of Matthew, Jesus used the ordinary lunch of an ordinary boy to miraculously “feed 5000.” The boy willingly gave his lunch, when asked to share his meal, and an extraordinary thing was accomplished that day. This story brings to mind a verse, I inadvertently came across, and cherish: Proverbs 20:11.
At the close of his sermons, Bishop Johnson told the congregation that, they are the ordinary people God is willing to use for extraordinary things, but they must be willing to say “yes” to His calling! “Each of you is ordinary in the same way that David, Moses, Timothy, Amos, Jeremiah, Paul, Peter and John, were ordinary. It is the ordinary God chooses to work through and with ordinary people like you and me to accomplish His will in the world.”
He explained that, people look at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. In the case of David, the Shepherd boy, he had a heart for God, which is why God chose him for extraordinary things. What this demonstrates is that God’s choice may not always be the a famous person, or a wealthy person, instead it is the person with a heart for God. God can use anyone regardless of their lofty credentials, who they are or what they know. God is good at using the unlikely, even in our lives. The Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:7, “when I am weak, then I am strong.”
My dear Pilgrim, at the end of the four sermons, I began to contemplate, “how do we begin living right?” How do I begin living right? Like Gideon, we may be asked to tear down idols – idols of attitudes of selfishness, words that dishonor, including judgmental words, and condemning words.
I also learned from Bishop’s sermons that blind faith or faith abruptly driven into will fail. But a faith of reasoning is a faith that sees the emptiness of human reasoning, and stands every trial. That leap of faith in the light helps us to say, and to begin to grow in believing that “the battle is the Lord’s”. As I conclude this communication, I am beginning to deduce that when we begin to learn to see beyond the ordinariness in others, we will encourage others; we will see great potential in others; we will begin encourage others, we will empower others, and we will praise others for their successes.
I will begin today. Today I will go home and say: “You are a hero, God is with you!” I will pick up my phone, and call someone, I will say hello to that person, I will encourage that person, I will hear a potential in that person's voice. Perhaps my call will uplift that person’s spirit.
What will you do?
I listened as you outlined your responsibilities at home, including taking care of your family, the everyday activities you do. In your own words, “I am an ordinary person; I wish I was a gifted person who does exceptional things.”
Pilgrim, I want you to know that, there are many out there, who feel they are also ordinary persons engaged in 'little things.' Well, for those who feel that they are among the ranks of the nobles, congratulations. For the “ordinary” people,” you may be living an average life; still feel that you haven’t fulfill some purposes in your life. It is also possible that you are considered “no good” and sometimes called “a failure” in the eyes of your peers, and your family.
Don’t cave in, Pilgrim, because God uses his people to do extraordinary things. I learned God doesn't take most of His workers from the ranks of the wise, mighty or noble. First Corinthians 1:26 says, "For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called."
Over the course of the month, Bishop Darlingston Johnson of Bethel Outreach Church spoke on four topics: I will be with You; Becoming God’s Man of Valor; Take Your Stand; and The Sword of the Lord, with focus on Supernatural Victory. In his sermons, Bishop Johnson cited many stories from the Bible, including the birth of Jesus. A popular story, yet some of the key points from the story gave another twist to why God chose Mary. Mary was not a scholar; from all we know, she did not come from the lineage of priestly scholars; she was not wealthy; she was a young, ordinary woman getting ready to be married to a regular carpenter, but God chose Mary to be the mother of the Messiah, Jesus.
Now listen to this Pilgrim. Do you know the first people who went to see baby Jesus? Not the scribes, not religious leaders. No, no, not the Jews either. It was ordinary Shepherds, who carried Gold (wealth) myrrh (anointing oil) frankincense (perfume). The ordinary Shepherds were called and delegated for the extraordinary mission, and they heeded the call. Bishop Johnson concisely illustrated the visit by these ordinary Shepherds: They came; they saw; they worshipped. ‘Why did they worship, what else did they see,”
Bishop elaborated, [Quoting] “John said, ‘the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory.’ Bishop Johnson explained, “The word became flesh means God became man. Bishop continued to describe what the Shepherd saw in Mary’s baby: “Divinity clothed itself in humanity; power dressed itself in weakness; greatness wrapped itself in smallness; the supernatural hid itself in the natural and extraordinary. As they [Shepherds] looked at this ordinary child in the midst of the ordinary surrounding, they saw at another level. Everyone saw a child and saw a baby boy, they [shepherds]looked at humanity, and saw divinity.”
The Shepherds accomplished extraordinary things, because they were seekers after God.
Bishop Johnson also simplified the book of Judges Chapter 6 and 7, which focuses on Gideon, an ordinary man, whose clan was the weakest in Manasseh. Gideon was also the least in his family. Gideon was no warrior. When the Angel of the Lord approached Gideon; he was working his harvest in a secluded area to hide from the Medianites. Gideon an ordinary man was called, and commissioned by God to bring deliverance and freedom to Israel. And he did! Gideon didn’t use swords. With some trumpets, jars and a few faithful men, and acknowledging that the battle was the Lord’s, Gideon delivered Israel.
Let’s move to another story, my dear Pilgrim. Do you remembered the story of David the Shepherd boy who became king? Do, you know that David was not groomed to be a king? David was the least and smallest in his family, left to take care of animals, while his brothers fought in the army. God did extraordinary things through David because David obeyed and trusted God.
Also, in the book of Matthew, Jesus used the ordinary lunch of an ordinary boy to miraculously “feed 5000.” The boy willingly gave his lunch, when asked to share his meal, and an extraordinary thing was accomplished that day. This story brings to mind a verse, I inadvertently came across, and cherish: Proverbs 20:11.
At the close of his sermons, Bishop Johnson told the congregation that, they are the ordinary people God is willing to use for extraordinary things, but they must be willing to say “yes” to His calling! “Each of you is ordinary in the same way that David, Moses, Timothy, Amos, Jeremiah, Paul, Peter and John, were ordinary. It is the ordinary God chooses to work through and with ordinary people like you and me to accomplish His will in the world.”
He explained that, people look at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. In the case of David, the Shepherd boy, he had a heart for God, which is why God chose him for extraordinary things. What this demonstrates is that God’s choice may not always be the a famous person, or a wealthy person, instead it is the person with a heart for God. God can use anyone regardless of their lofty credentials, who they are or what they know. God is good at using the unlikely, even in our lives. The Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:7, “when I am weak, then I am strong.”
My dear Pilgrim, at the end of the four sermons, I began to contemplate, “how do we begin living right?” How do I begin living right? Like Gideon, we may be asked to tear down idols – idols of attitudes of selfishness, words that dishonor, including judgmental words, and condemning words.
I also learned from Bishop’s sermons that blind faith or faith abruptly driven into will fail. But a faith of reasoning is a faith that sees the emptiness of human reasoning, and stands every trial. That leap of faith in the light helps us to say, and to begin to grow in believing that “the battle is the Lord’s”. As I conclude this communication, I am beginning to deduce that when we begin to learn to see beyond the ordinariness in others, we will encourage others; we will see great potential in others; we will begin encourage others, we will empower others, and we will praise others for their successes.
I will begin today. Today I will go home and say: “You are a hero, God is with you!” I will pick up my phone, and call someone, I will say hello to that person, I will encourage that person, I will hear a potential in that person's voice. Perhaps my call will uplift that person’s spirit.
What will you do?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Holding My Hand
Dear Pilgrim,
Where are you at this point in your journey, or let me ask, what is your most recent experience? Do you find this experience, one of learning or an experience that places you at a “check point” to reflect on the situation that just occurred?
I am learning to understand that I cannot determine, how far I've reached, because until I reach a stage, I can not assume to know that reaching that point is an important juncture in my journey. For example, I do ask myself, “What did I learn from that situation,” but cannot assume that because I have taken many steps (whether backward of forward) means I am making progress. To do so, in my own perception would mean to idolize my accomplishment. I try to look at my journey as a package – review situations, and not the journey. After all, I am still growing; I am not even going to pretend to be a “Czar” or “Tsar” in this area. A Czar in this area will not be on the journey, but will serve as head of Czardom; a Czar in this area will be at the top of the hill, mostly criticizing, or overly praising you, rather than guiding you. Do not be your own Czar; put aside the Czar crown, if you are wearing one and recluse yourself from Czardom.
I learn from a lot of sources, including situations, which sometimes can be tricky; I learn from reading books, I learn from watching movies, from listening to the experiences of others, and from watching situations as they unfold. Guess what? Sometimes I do neglect to implement some of the things learned when I am faced with similar, or the same situations. That means; I fall short all the time. Even right now, I am falling short, in my thoughts, and actions. It is 7am, and I am sitting at this computer writing you, but I have been preoccupied by a situation. Earlier, I had promised to pray about this situation, but have not offered this situation to God, but rather spent the time venting, getting upset, and trying to find means to solve the problem using my own strength. Yes, that is the truth, my dear comrade!
In sum, I fall, and when I recognize that I have fallen, I thank God for the eyes to see that I have fallen. Then, I murmur thanks to God for the strength to stand, and thank him for the knowledge and wisdom to murmur the thanks to him. In addition, I ask him to guide me as I begin the next step. I cannot do it on my own, is the placard I am learning to carry. So I ask him, I tell him, I petition him to do it for me and my son, Michael. Ah, who else can I call on? No one!
Pilgrim, I can testify that He took me from where I was , and brought me where I am today. Along the way, I had support from people he designated to stand by me. Not people I had in mind, but people I may have felt were too busy to hold my hand. But they did; they did not show me the way, they also joined me on the journey to rise out of the ashes of my mistakes and folly, when I miserably failed to keep my eyes on him. I also learned that God can turn a situation to your advantage. We have read it in many scriptures: the story of Joseph sold into slavery and later became the point of survival; the story of Moses – when he was a baby, the story of Moses' survival is something we know; Moses' life in exile and leading his people from slavery, points to how God can turn situations to our advantage. The stories are many, but I do hope that whatever situation you are facing at this moment, keep your eyes on Him. Think about a time you felt greatly disappointed, and later realized that disappointment was a blessing in disguise. Think about a time when you felt bad that you were left out, marginalized, and later realised it was a blessing. And then, the time you really wanted to marry that person, and when it didn't work out, you felt your life was over. Then later, you realized it was the best thing that happened - that you didn't marry that person you thought was your world, and soul mate. Think again Pilgrim, even now, you may be disappointed, but allow him to hold your hand in this situation. I will also need to "call on him," ask Him to give me the strength, the wisdom to give it all to him.
Like you, I am a single parent. Like you,I have been given the opportunity to raise a Prince. I do see this task as a blessing because, each child should be treated like a Prince or Princess. Raising a child well should be based on honesty, love, being polite, and allowing them to be creative. Remember, children watch our actions, and they register situation as a way of life. Do you want your child to see you in constant stress, and unhappy; do you want your child to see you and your spouse in physical and verbal abusive situations, or your spouse constantly bully you? Remember that raising a child well means the environment where they live, grow and learn is pleasant, the environment is free of hostility and rudeness, because coarse behavior affects a child’s psychology. I embrace my situation, my dear friend, because the alternative is unthinkable; the alternative was not in my interest, and it was unhealthy for the overall growth and development of my Prince. A positive and healthy environment creates a positive effect on mind, and development of children. I say, I rather be alone in the dark, than to have a "hazard" as a companion.
Well Pilgrim, take heart, and know that you are not alone. I must attend to my Prince, but reflect on my quick note to you. Remember, you were chosen to be your child's parent; that means molding the mind of your child, providing a safe, loving environment to help your little Jewel realize their full potential. And as you embrace the task, you will begin to see sparks of light on your path; all you need to do is to open your minds; open your heart, and open your hands to recognize and embrace the support and blessings that will come from the hands of angels who are waiting to help you nurture your Precious Jewel.
My prayer this morning is to give it to him. Also, I will be writing a petition regarding this situation, which I will share with you later today.
Where are you at this point in your journey, or let me ask, what is your most recent experience? Do you find this experience, one of learning or an experience that places you at a “check point” to reflect on the situation that just occurred?
I am learning to understand that I cannot determine, how far I've reached, because until I reach a stage, I can not assume to know that reaching that point is an important juncture in my journey. For example, I do ask myself, “What did I learn from that situation,” but cannot assume that because I have taken many steps (whether backward of forward) means I am making progress. To do so, in my own perception would mean to idolize my accomplishment. I try to look at my journey as a package – review situations, and not the journey. After all, I am still growing; I am not even going to pretend to be a “Czar” or “Tsar” in this area. A Czar in this area will not be on the journey, but will serve as head of Czardom; a Czar in this area will be at the top of the hill, mostly criticizing, or overly praising you, rather than guiding you. Do not be your own Czar; put aside the Czar crown, if you are wearing one and recluse yourself from Czardom.
I learn from a lot of sources, including situations, which sometimes can be tricky; I learn from reading books, I learn from watching movies, from listening to the experiences of others, and from watching situations as they unfold. Guess what? Sometimes I do neglect to implement some of the things learned when I am faced with similar, or the same situations. That means; I fall short all the time. Even right now, I am falling short, in my thoughts, and actions. It is 7am, and I am sitting at this computer writing you, but I have been preoccupied by a situation. Earlier, I had promised to pray about this situation, but have not offered this situation to God, but rather spent the time venting, getting upset, and trying to find means to solve the problem using my own strength. Yes, that is the truth, my dear comrade!
In sum, I fall, and when I recognize that I have fallen, I thank God for the eyes to see that I have fallen. Then, I murmur thanks to God for the strength to stand, and thank him for the knowledge and wisdom to murmur the thanks to him. In addition, I ask him to guide me as I begin the next step. I cannot do it on my own, is the placard I am learning to carry. So I ask him, I tell him, I petition him to do it for me and my son, Michael. Ah, who else can I call on? No one!
Pilgrim, I can testify that He took me from where I was , and brought me where I am today. Along the way, I had support from people he designated to stand by me. Not people I had in mind, but people I may have felt were too busy to hold my hand. But they did; they did not show me the way, they also joined me on the journey to rise out of the ashes of my mistakes and folly, when I miserably failed to keep my eyes on him. I also learned that God can turn a situation to your advantage. We have read it in many scriptures: the story of Joseph sold into slavery and later became the point of survival; the story of Moses – when he was a baby, the story of Moses' survival is something we know; Moses' life in exile and leading his people from slavery, points to how God can turn situations to our advantage. The stories are many, but I do hope that whatever situation you are facing at this moment, keep your eyes on Him. Think about a time you felt greatly disappointed, and later realized that disappointment was a blessing in disguise. Think about a time when you felt bad that you were left out, marginalized, and later realised it was a blessing. And then, the time you really wanted to marry that person, and when it didn't work out, you felt your life was over. Then later, you realized it was the best thing that happened - that you didn't marry that person you thought was your world, and soul mate. Think again Pilgrim, even now, you may be disappointed, but allow him to hold your hand in this situation. I will also need to "call on him," ask Him to give me the strength, the wisdom to give it all to him.
Like you, I am a single parent. Like you,I have been given the opportunity to raise a Prince. I do see this task as a blessing because, each child should be treated like a Prince or Princess. Raising a child well should be based on honesty, love, being polite, and allowing them to be creative. Remember, children watch our actions, and they register situation as a way of life. Do you want your child to see you in constant stress, and unhappy; do you want your child to see you and your spouse in physical and verbal abusive situations, or your spouse constantly bully you? Remember that raising a child well means the environment where they live, grow and learn is pleasant, the environment is free of hostility and rudeness, because coarse behavior affects a child’s psychology. I embrace my situation, my dear friend, because the alternative is unthinkable; the alternative was not in my interest, and it was unhealthy for the overall growth and development of my Prince. A positive and healthy environment creates a positive effect on mind, and development of children. I say, I rather be alone in the dark, than to have a "hazard" as a companion.
Well Pilgrim, take heart, and know that you are not alone. I must attend to my Prince, but reflect on my quick note to you. Remember, you were chosen to be your child's parent; that means molding the mind of your child, providing a safe, loving environment to help your little Jewel realize their full potential. And as you embrace the task, you will begin to see sparks of light on your path; all you need to do is to open your minds; open your heart, and open your hands to recognize and embrace the support and blessings that will come from the hands of angels who are waiting to help you nurture your Precious Jewel.
My prayer this morning is to give it to him. Also, I will be writing a petition regarding this situation, which I will share with you later today.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
An Amazing Prayer
Dear Pilgrim,
How are you faring on this journey of religious devotion? At my end, it is quite a challenge. However, I am finding strength in God’s word; though sometimes I take my eyes off Him, and begin relying on my own strength. However, I am grateful that He is forgiving and compassionate, and always welcomes me, when I call on Him. What a loving Father!
During our last communication, you told me of the challenges you faced on your own journey: The doubts, fears, self- pity, among other vices that tend to sway many from growing spiritually. In my own journey, I have, and continue to face many challenges, including persons who profess to be more religious, and faithful in the service of God, and therefore “closer to God” than some of us. I’m sure you have met similar characters. Did you also meet others who have offered to “show you the way,” and yet tried to use religion as a way of getting ahead in the world?
Pilgrim, I would like to share with you a prayer that I offer on a regular basis. This prayer is among a few that give me renewed strength. However, I would like to inform you that sometimes I fall short of saying this prayer; I become spiritually tired, despondent, physically weary, and distracted by my “to do” list; but mostly, I procrastinate. Well, you know, as much as I do that procrastination, and distractions are just a few of the many challenges that we all face on our spiritually journeys.
I gave my life to Christ a long time ago. I quite remembered that as a little girl, I told my (late) Mom that the story of Mary fascinated me, and I wanted to be Mary. I have stood up and received Christ, and do stand up sometimes to receive Christ, again, after wandering from his path.I believe doing so (re-receiving Christ) “somehow” symbolizes the beginning on a new journey, and also a mental and spiritual purification. For me, this prayer is a way of speaking against the devil, and surrending to Christ; I mean, submitting to Christ. I (try) to always pray this prayer for cleanings, and strength. I also tend to write petitioner prayers to God, which I find to be uplifting, and invigorating.
Well Pilgrim, thank you for this opportunity to share this prayer with you, and other pilgrims. I want to admonish you that I am also a Pilgrim, and my prayers are just my own way to search my soul, and [hopefully] build a relationship with God. If you desire to use the prayer, you can use it as it is, or amend the wordings to fit your needs:
Dear Lord Jesus,
I come before you today, and confess that I am a sinner. I repent of my sins, please have mercy on me, and forgive me. Teach me, and give me the strength to forgive others for what they have done against me, and my son, Michael. I reject Satan, and his agents. I thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the Cross for my sins. I give you my life; I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Cleanse me of my sins; give me the strength to serve you every day of my life. Cover me with your Precious Blood, and cover my son, Michael with your blood; let the Holy Spirit abide in us, Teach me, and give me the strength to follow you every day of my life. Amen.
I hope you find some strength in this prayer, Pilgrim. I am also on a spiritual journey, and do hope that we can continue to communicate, and share our stories , as well as encourage others to muster courage in the desire to grow spiritually.
How are you faring on this journey of religious devotion? At my end, it is quite a challenge. However, I am finding strength in God’s word; though sometimes I take my eyes off Him, and begin relying on my own strength. However, I am grateful that He is forgiving and compassionate, and always welcomes me, when I call on Him. What a loving Father!
During our last communication, you told me of the challenges you faced on your own journey: The doubts, fears, self- pity, among other vices that tend to sway many from growing spiritually. In my own journey, I have, and continue to face many challenges, including persons who profess to be more religious, and faithful in the service of God, and therefore “closer to God” than some of us. I’m sure you have met similar characters. Did you also meet others who have offered to “show you the way,” and yet tried to use religion as a way of getting ahead in the world?
Pilgrim, I would like to share with you a prayer that I offer on a regular basis. This prayer is among a few that give me renewed strength. However, I would like to inform you that sometimes I fall short of saying this prayer; I become spiritually tired, despondent, physically weary, and distracted by my “to do” list; but mostly, I procrastinate. Well, you know, as much as I do that procrastination, and distractions are just a few of the many challenges that we all face on our spiritually journeys.
I gave my life to Christ a long time ago. I quite remembered that as a little girl, I told my (late) Mom that the story of Mary fascinated me, and I wanted to be Mary. I have stood up and received Christ, and do stand up sometimes to receive Christ, again, after wandering from his path.I believe doing so (re-receiving Christ) “somehow” symbolizes the beginning on a new journey, and also a mental and spiritual purification. For me, this prayer is a way of speaking against the devil, and surrending to Christ; I mean, submitting to Christ. I (try) to always pray this prayer for cleanings, and strength. I also tend to write petitioner prayers to God, which I find to be uplifting, and invigorating.
Well Pilgrim, thank you for this opportunity to share this prayer with you, and other pilgrims. I want to admonish you that I am also a Pilgrim, and my prayers are just my own way to search my soul, and [hopefully] build a relationship with God. If you desire to use the prayer, you can use it as it is, or amend the wordings to fit your needs:
Dear Lord Jesus,
I come before you today, and confess that I am a sinner. I repent of my sins, please have mercy on me, and forgive me. Teach me, and give me the strength to forgive others for what they have done against me, and my son, Michael. I reject Satan, and his agents. I thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the Cross for my sins. I give you my life; I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Cleanse me of my sins; give me the strength to serve you every day of my life. Cover me with your Precious Blood, and cover my son, Michael with your blood; let the Holy Spirit abide in us, Teach me, and give me the strength to follow you every day of my life. Amen.
I hope you find some strength in this prayer, Pilgrim. I am also on a spiritual journey, and do hope that we can continue to communicate, and share our stories , as well as encourage others to muster courage in the desire to grow spiritually.
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